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User / De Rode Olifant / Sets / People
Marjan Smeijsters / 33 items

N 164 B 4.9K C 60 E Apr 22, 2016 F Apr 24, 2018
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"First rule of bodyguard detail: know where your 'body' is at all times."
Quote - Ilona Andrews

Tags:   bodyguard marjan smeijsters quote ilona andrews reflection nijmegen

N 84 B 6.9K C 107 E Nov 22, 2014 F Nov 25, 2014
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Going for a walk on a sunny autumn sunday ;-))

Tags:   autumn marjan smeijsters

N 219 B 11.0K C 84 E Mar 10, 2016 F Jul 3, 2016
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Electrified faces, just playing with a photo once made for the music group eBraam.
eBraam is an instrumental trio (Michiel Braam, Pieter Douma and Dirk-Peter Kölsch), which heavily uses all sorts of improvisation with a mixture of jazz, funk and seventies rock. Influences of Soft Machine, Ten Years After, George Duke and Herbie Hancock can be heard throughout the music.

If you want to listen, here's the link. Enjoy ;-)

Tags:   eBraam marjan smeijsters electrified michiel braam pieter douma dirk-peter kölsch

N 215 B 28.8K C 77 E Jan 9, 2018 F Jan 11, 2018
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For the group "Challenge on Flickr" theme: Challenge 8 - Jan. 8, 2018 - Portrait/Sidelit

Tags:   marjan smeijsters CoF008PSt_ CoF008dmnq COF008Mark CoF008Step CoF008_biz monochrome mono

N 148 B 6.0K C 47 E Jul 23, 2018 F Aug 28, 2018
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“There probably was a time when the idea of having a toilet inside a house was repulsive.”
Quote ― Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Public toilets London, found while walking the Thames Path.

Tags:   toilets london quote marjan smeijsters thames path england CoF049Mari CoF049dmnq toilet pictogram monochrome mono
