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In the past „Tuol Sleng – Security Prison S21” was one of the secondary schools in the Cambodian Capital Phnom Penh called “Tuol Svay Prey” High-School.
After the 17th April 1975 the Pol Pot (so called Brother No. 1) clique had transformed it to a prison called S21, which was the biggest in Kampuchea (Cambodia). It was surrounded with a double wall of corrugated iron, surmounted by dense barbed wires.
The classrooms on the ground and the first floors were pierced and divided into individual cells, whereas the ones on the second floor were used for mass detention. Barbed wire was used to prevent prisoners to commit suicide, jumping from the upper floor.
Several thousands of victims (peasants, workers, technicians, engineers, doctors, teachers, students, Buddhist monks, ministers, Pol Pot´s Cadres themselves, soldiers of all ranks, the Cambodian Diplomatic corps, foreigners, etc.) were imprisoned and exterminated with their wives and children.
There are a lot of evidences in S21 proving the atrocities of Pol Pot clique: cells, instruments of torture, dossiers and documents, list of prisoners names, mugshots of victims, their clothes and their belongings.
In the surrounding mass graves have been discovered. Most prisoners of S21 have been brought to the “Killing Fields” southwest of Phnom Penh in clandestine nightly transports, where they were slaughtered by most primitive means.
To me the Khmer Rouge regime shows some of the darkest times of humankind and walking around on this premises was hardly bearable.
Tags: Cambodia KAmbodscha Pol Pot Khmer Phnom Penh Kampuchea Prison torture Museum Genocide
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