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User / Óli. / Sets / Shadow and Light
Gunnar Ó Sigmarsson / 11 items

N 3 B 976 C 11 E Apr 2, 2006 F Apr 25, 2006
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Tags:   Óli Iceland Canon Gifting love ólamyndir eyland

N 4 B 817 C 4 E Jan 28, 2006 F Jun 21, 2006
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Tags:   Óli Iceland Canon Gifting love ólamyndir eyland

N 13 B 2.3K C 51 E Dec 5, 2006 F Dec 5, 2006
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I was driving home to my little town from Reykjavik about 2-3 hours trip. It was totally dark outside when I drove by this aluminum factory. It was glowing in the dark whit all this yellow lights . I took my 5D and put it on the top on my car and this was the outcome

Tags:   Óli Night Aluminum APlusPhoto ólamyndir eyland

N 73 B 7.6K C 118 E Feb 7, 2007 F Feb 7, 2007
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It would be nice to be in this airplane and go to some warm and sunny place.

Tags:   abigfave anawesomeshot nature Óli sky outstandingshots landscape impressedbeauty iceland ice great fantastic different capture canon blue beautiful aplusphoto angel ólamyndir eyland ColorPhotoAward

N 32 B 1.8K C 50 E Feb 8, 2007 F Feb 9, 2007
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A litle bit Unusual

Tags:   APlusPhoto ólamyndir eyland
