Fabaceae (pea, or legume family) »
Acacia mangium
a-KAY-see-uh or
uh-KAY-shuh -- meaning: thorny, spiny
man-JEE-um --
pronunciation / meaning not known to me
commonly known as: black wattle, brown salwood, forest mangrove, hickory wattle, mangium wattle, sabah salwood
Native to: Australia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea
... phyllodes 5-10 cm broad, 2-4 times as long as broad, dark green, chartaceous when dry ... phyllodes have (3-)4 longitudinal main nerves which join on the dorsal margin at the base of the phyllode, secondary nerves fine and inconspicuous.
... flowers in loose spikes to 10 cm long, solitary or paired in the upper axils.
World Agroforestry Centre