Boraginaceae (forget-me-not family) » Cordia sebestena
KOR-dee-uh -- named for Valerius Cordus, 16th century German botanist
seb-ess-TAY-nuh -- derived from the Persian sapistan, the name of an allied species grown round the town of Sebesta
commonly known as: aloe wood, geranium tree, largeleaf geigertree, orange geiger tree, scarlet cordia, sea trumpet, sebesten plum tree, Spanish cordia, Texas olive, ziricote • Bengali: kamla buhal, raktarag • Hindi: लाल लसोड़ा lal lasora, bohari • Kannada: challekendala • Tamil: அச்சிநறுவிலி accinayuvili
Native to: Florida Keys, the West Indies, and northern South America
Tags: Boraginaceae forget-me-not family tropical perennial evergreen tree Cordia sebestena anacahuita anaconda bois râpe etou muyuyo sebesteiro siricote blanco
Leguminosae or Fabaceae s. l. (legume, pea, or bean family) » Bauhinia x blakeana
baw-HIN-ee-uh -- named for Gaspard and Jean Bauhin, physicians and botanists
blay-kee-AY-nuh -- named for Sir Henry Blake, governor of Hong Kong
commonly known as: Blake's bauhinia, Hong Kong orchid tree, purple orchid tree • Chinese: 红花羊蹄甲 Hong hua yang ti jia, 洋紫荊 yang zi jing (Taiwan) • Spanish: arbol orquídea de Hong Kong
Native to: Hong Kong
References: Flowers of India • Dave's Garden • Top Tropicals
Tags: Leguminosae Fabaceae pea family legume family bean family evergreen tree Bauhinia blakeana Bauhinia x blakeana arbol orquídea de Hong Kong Blake's bauhinia Hong hua yang ti jia Hong Kong orchid tree purple orchid tree yang zi jing