im-PAY-shuns -- impatient; referring to the seed pod's habit of bursting open ... Dave's Botanary
TRY-korn-iss -- three horns ... Dave's Botanary
commonly known as: scabby balsam, three horned balsam • Hindi: बनतिल bantil, रिंडलिया rindliya, तिल्लुआ tillua • Nepali: अरेली areli, तिउरी झार tiuri jhar
botanical names: Impatiens tricornis Lindl. ... homotypic synonyms: Balsamina tricornis (Lindl.) Ser. ... heterotypic synonyms: Impatiens praetermissa Hook.f. • Impatiens punctata Wall. ex Hook.f. & Thomson ... POWO
also note: Impatiens cristata auct. non Wall.: Hook. f., Rec. Bot. Surv. India 4: 7 & 10 (1904) • Impatiens scabrida auct. non DC.: Wight, Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2: t. 323 (1840). Hook. f., Fl. Brit. India 1: 472 (1875)
Tags: Balsaminaceae annual herb Balsamina Impatiens Impatiens tricornis Balsamina tricornis Impatiens cristata auct. non Wall. Impatiens praetermissa Impatiens punctata Impatiens scabrida auct. non DC. scabby balsam three horned balsam
synonym of Stachys splendens Wall. ex Benth.