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Although it may be hard to tell from this headshot, this is a pair of Komodo Dragons (an endangered species) chilling in the Lied Jungle, the world's largest indoor rainforest and a "total immersion experience" at Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo. As wikipedia notes, Omaha's Zoo is "nationally renowned for its leadership in animal conservation and research" And from the zoo's website:
The major purpose of the Lied Jungle is not only recreation, but education and conservation awareness. Rainforests play a vital role in the quality of life on earth. They are disappearing at the alarming rate of 50-100 acres a minute. That's an area the size of Massachusetts each year.
Tags: Lied Rainforest Lied Jungle Indoor Rainforest Henry Doorly Zoo Omaha Reptile Komodo Dragon Lizard
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A pair of Blue Monkeys in the Lied Jungle, the world's largest indoor rainforest and a "total immersion experience" at Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo. As wikipedia notes, Omaha's Zoo is "nationally renowned for its leadership in animal conservation and research." And from the zoo's website:
The major purpose of the Lied Jungle is not only recreation, but education and conservation awareness. Rainforests play a vital role in the quality of life on earth. They are disappearing at the alarming rate of 50-100 acres a minute. That's an area the size of Massachusetts each year.
Tags: Lied Rainforest Lied Jungle Indoor Rainforest Henry Doorly Zoo Omaha Monkey Blue Monkey Grooming
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A Scarlet Macaw in the Lied Jungle, the world's largest indoor rainforest and a "total immersion experience" at Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo. As wikipedia notes, Omaha's Zoo is "nationally renowned for its leadership in animal conservation and research." And from the zoo's website:
The major purpose of the Lied Jungle is not only recreation, but education and conservation awareness. Rainforests play a vital role in the quality of life on earth. They are disappearing at the alarming rate of 50 - 100 acres a minute. That's an area the size of Massachusetts each year.
Tags: Lied Rainforest Lied Jungle Indoor Rainforest Henry Doorly Zoo Omaha Scarlet Macaw
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A few Scarlet Macaws in the Lied Jungle, the world's largest indoor rainforest and a "total immersion experience" at Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo. As wikipedia notes, Omaha's Zoo is "nationally renowned for its leadership in animal conservation and research." And from the zoo's website:
The major purpose of the Lied Jungle is not only recreation, but education and conservation awareness. Rainforests play a vital role in the quality of life on earth. They are disappearing at the alarming rate of 50 - 100 acres a minute. That's an area the size of Massachusetts each year.
Tags: Lied Rainforest Lied Jungle Indoor Rainforest Henry Doorly Zoo Omaha Monkey
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A family of Francois' Langurs high up in the trees on the Malayan tapir island in the Lied Jungle, the world's largest indoor rainforest and a "total immersion experience" at Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo. I love how this rare species sport wild mohawks.
And it is a rare species. According to a wikipedia:
There has been a dramatic decline in the population size by approximately 85% since [1990], making this species that of very high priority to potential extinction. The total number of wild individuals is unknown, but there are believed to be less than 500 left in Vietnam and 1,400-1,650 in China. There are only about 60 langurs in captivity in North American zoos.
And wikipedia further informs us that the baby's name is GinLu and:
she was was born in the Lied Jungle at Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo [in September 2009]. After being rejected by her mother, Lied Jungle keepers worked for several weeks to teach the mother to feed and care for her properly. It was important to have a special holding area for mother and infant for safety, ensuring the family was within sight and smell at all times. Mother and infant needed to be strongly bonded before placing the group together. By October 13, 2009, the entire group was reunited into one holding area.
As wikipedia notes, Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo is "nationally renowned for its leadership in animal conservation and research." And from the zoo's website:
The major purpose of the Lied Jungle is not only recreation, but education and conservation awareness. Rainforests play a vital role in the quality of life on earth. They are disappearing at the alarming rate of 50-100 acres a minute. That's an area the size of Massachusetts each year.
Tags: Lied Rainforest Lied Jungle Indoor Rainforest Henry Doorly Zoo Omaha Monkey Mohawk Francois' Langur Francois' Leaf Monkey GinLu Endangered Species
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