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User / iMatthew / Sets / Nemo in the neighborhood
Matthew Ireland / 30 items

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Marlborough Street study in B&W

Tags:   NEMO Snow Snow Storm Boston Back Bay Marlborough Street B&W Lines Snow Texture

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Sometimes the simple shots you think are nothing when you take them turn out to be among your favorites (even when unremarkable). I love this shot, but didn't think much of it at the time (of course, my toes were numb at this point and I was headed home half frozen...). This shot also captures and conveys a bit of the beautiful stillness that was Boston Saturday morning.

A deserted Mass Ave at Commonwealth during Nemo's wrath.

Tags:   NEMO Snow Snow Storm Boston Back Bay Mass Ave A Dude & His Dog Dogs DIg Snow Mush!

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A guy trudges down a desolate Newbury Street as the wind howls and blows snow around.

Another favorite shot, in large part because it does a decent job capturing the gusty cold feeling of being out in the storm, while conveying the desolate mood of a deserted Newbury street during NEMO.

Tags:   NEMO Snow Storm Boston Back Bay Newbury Street Valet Parking Desolate Howling Winds Blowing Snow

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Frozen, toes numb, I trudge back home and marvel at the snow accumulation on my street.

Commonwealth Ave. Back Bay, Boston.

Tags:   NEMO Snow Snow Storm Boston Back Bay Comm Ave Took a Pounding My Stomping Grounds

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Frozen, toes numb, I trudge back home and marvel at the snow accumulation on my block.

Commonwealth Ave. Back Bay, Boston.

Tags:   NEMO Snow Snow Storm Boston Back Bay Comm Ave Took a Pounding My Stomping Grounds
