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User / DL_Dietz / Sets
D.L. Dietz / 287 items

53 photos

post - 5 groups #1
10 photos

post - 5 groups #2
10 photos

post - 5 groups #3
10 photos

post - 5 groups #4
10 photos

post - 5 groups #5
10 photos

post - 5 groups #6
10 photos

Cats - Guinivere
18 photos

Digitized Film
125 photos
This album contains digitized film and transparencies

Flora - Leaves
30 photos
This album contains: - Leaves

Black & White
114 photos

Explored Images
86 photos
An album containing my explored images.

Macro Images
94 photos
This album contains: - Macro Images

12 photos

131 photos
This album contains general nature photographs

26 photos
This album contains photos which include people

Wildflowers - Blue
59 photos
This album contains: - Unidentified Blue Wildflowers

Wildflowers - Brown
14 photos
This album contains: - Unidentified Brown Wildflowers

Wildflowers - Green
39 photos
This album contains: - Unidentified Green Wildflowers

Wildflowers - Orange
4 photos
This album contains: - Unidentified Orange Wildflowers

Wildflowers - Pink
15 photos
This album contains: - Unidentified Pink Wildflowers

Wildflowers - Purple
32 photos
This album contains: - Unidentified Purple Wildflowers

Wildflowers - Red
24 photos
This album contains: - Unidentified Red Wildflowers

Wildflowers - White
178 photos
This album contains: - Unidentified White WIldflowers

Wildflowers - Yellow
69 photos
This album contains: - Unidentified Yellow Wildflowers

Wildflowers - American Lotus
7 photos

17 photos

Wildflowers - Black-Eyed Susans
11 photos
This album contains: - Black-Eyed Susans

5 photos

Bull Thistle
22 photos

Wildflowers - Buttercups
7 photos
This album contains: - Buttercups

Wildflowers - Butterfly Weed
19 photos
This album contains: - Butterfly Weed

WILDFLOWERS - Camphorweed
2 photos
This album contains images of the Camphorweed wildflower

Wildflowers - Chicory
18 photos
This album contains: - Chicory

Wildflowers - Clover
54 photos
This album contains: - Clover

WILDFLOWERS - Common Cattail
11 photos
This album contains images of Common Cattails

WILDFLOWERS - Common Juniper
2 photos

WILDFLOWERS - Common Mullein
1 photo
This album contains mages of Common Mullein.

WILDFLOWERS - Common Strawberry
7 photos
This album contains images of Common Strawberries

Wildflowers - Daisy Fleabane
30 photos
This album contains: - Robin's Plantain

Wildflowers - Dandelions
15 photos
This album contains: - Dandelions

3 photos
This album contains images of Day Lillies

WILDFLOWERS - Deptford Pink
7 photos
This album contains images of Deptford Pinks

3 photos

Wildflowers - Dogwood
10 photos

WILDFLOWERS - Downy False Foxglove
1 photo

Wildflowers - Fragrant Water Lily
27 photos
This album contains: - Fragrant Water Lillies

Wildflowers - Globe Thistle
1 photo
This album contains: - Globe Thistle

5 photos

Wildflowers - Hairy Beardtongue
1 photo

Wildflowers - Honeysuckle
1 photo
This album contains images of Honesucke

WILDFLOWERS - Indian Blanket
2 photos

WILDFLOWERS - Large-Flowered Trillium
1 photo

Wildflowers - Jerusalem Artichoke
1 photo
This album contains images of Jerusalem Artichokes

WILDFLOWERS - Ladyslippers
3 photos

Wildflowers - Mayapple
2 photos
This album contains images of Mayapples

Wildflowers - Milkweed
92 photos
This album contains: - Common Milkweed

WIldflowers - Multiflora Rose
6 photos

WILDFLOWERS - New England Aster
10 photos

15 photos
This album contains images of Oxeye Daisies

WIldflowers - Prairie Coneflower
1 photo

WILDFLOWERS - Purple Gerardia
1 photo
This album contains images of Purple Gerardias

Wildflowers - Queen Anne's Lace
39 photos
This album contains: - Queen Anne's Lace

WILDFLOWERS - Rattlesnake Master
1 photo

WILDFLOWERS - SHowy Evening Primrose
1 photo

Wildflowers - Spotted Touch-Me-Not
6 photos
This album contains: - Spotted Touch-Me-Nots

Wildflowers - Spring Beauty
32 photos

WILDFLOWERS - Swamp Dewberry
8 photos
This album contains images of Swamp Dewberries

9 photos

WILDFLOWERS - Tread Softly
1 photo
This album contains images of the Tread Softly wildflower

4 photos

Wildflowers - True Forget-me-Not
3 photos

Wildflowers - Turk's Cap Lily
14 photos
This album contains images of Turk's Cap Lillies

6 photos

Wildflowers - Violets
6 photos
This album contains: - Violets

WILDFLOWERS - Virginia Bluebell
5 photos

Wildflowers - White Campion
6 photos
This album contains photos of White Campion flowers

WILDFLOWERS - White Wood Aster
2 photos
This album contains images of White Wood Asters

1 photo

Wildflowers - Wild Columbine
4 photos
This album contains: - Wild Columbine

Wildflowers - Woodland Sunflowers
17 photos
This album contains: - Woodland Sunflowers

1 photo

13 photos
This album contains images of the Yellow Flag wildflower

WILDFLOWERS - Yellow Pond Lilly
1 photo

WILDFLOWERS - Yellow Wood Sorrel
1 photo

AMPHIBIANS - Frogs & Toads
53 photos
This album contains photos of Amphibians including: - Frogs

BEES & WASPS - Black-and-yellow Mud Dauber
5 photos
This album contains images of Black-and-yellow Mud Daubers

BEES & WASPS - Golden Northern Bumblebee
22 photos
This album contains images of Golden Northern Bumblebees

BEES & WASPS - Eastern Carpenter Bee
1 photo

BEES & WASPS - Honey Bee
9 photos
This album contains images of Honey Bees

BIRDS - Alder Flycatcher
1 photo

BIRDS - American Coot
6 photos

BIRDS - American Crow
4 photos
This album contains images of American Crows.

BIRDS - American Goldfinch
64 photos
This album contains images of American Goldfinches.

BIRDS - American Robin
135 photos
This album contains images of American Robins.

BIRDS - American Tree Sparrow
51 photos
This album contains images of American Tree Sparrows.

BIRDS - American Wigeon
37 photos
This album contains images of American Wigeons.

BIRDS - Bald Eagle
116 photos
This album contains images of Bald Eagles.

BIRDS - Baltimore Oriole
23 photos
This album contains images of Baltimore Orioles.

BIRDS - Bank Swallow
10 photos

BIRDS - Barn Swallow
68 photos
This album contains images of Barn Swallows.

BIRDS - Belted Kingfisher
4 photos

BIRDS - Black-Capped Chickadee
1304 photos
This album contains images of Black-Capped Chickadees.

BIRDS - Black and White Warbler
6 photos
This album contains images of Black and White Warblers.

BIRDS - Blackpoll Warbler
9 photos

BIRDS - Black-Throated Green Warbler
5 photos

BIRDS - Black-Whiskered Vireo
1 photo

BIRDS - Blue Gray Gnatcatcher
3 photos
This album contains images of Blue Gray Gnatcatchers.

BIRDS - Blue Jay
217 photos
This album contains images of Blue Jays.

BIRDS - Blue-Winged Teal
18 photos
This album contains images of Blue-Winged Teals.

BIRDS - Blue-Winged Warbler
6 photos
This album contains images of Blue-Winged Warblers.

BIRDS - Brewer's Blackbird
8 photos
This album contains images of Brewer's Blackbirds.

BIRDS - Brown Creeper
2 photos
This album contains images of Brown Creepers.

BIRDS - Brown-Headed Cowbird
26 photos
This album contains images of Brown-Headed Cowbirds

BIRDS - Bufflhead
26 photos
This album contains images of Buffleheads.

BIRDS - Canadian Goose
585 photos
This album contains images of Canadian Geese.

BIRDS - Carolina Wren
10 photos
This album contains images of Carolina Wrens

BIRDS - Cedar Waxwing
12 photos
This album contains images of Cedar Waxwings.

BIRDS - Chipping Sparrow
1 photo

BIRDS - Common Grackle
30 photos
This album contains images of Common Grackles

BIRDS - Common Merganser
16 photos
This album contains images of Common Mergansers.

BIRDS - Common Moorhen
1 photo

BIRDS - Common Snipe
7 photos

BIRDS - Common Tern
2 photos
This album contains images of Common Terns.

BIRDS - Common Yellowthroat
11 photos
This album contains images of Common Yellowthroats.

BIRDS - Cooper's Hawk
5 photos
This album contains images of Cooper's Hawks.

BIRDS - Dark-Eyed Junco
47 photos
This album contains images of Dark-Eyed Juncos.

BIRDS - Double-Crested Cormorant
2 photos
This album contains images of Doube-Crested Cormorants.

BIRDS - Downy Woodpecker
540 photos
This album contains images of Downy Woodpeckers.

BIRDS - Eastern Bluebird
76 photos
This album contains images of Eastern Bluebirds.

BIRDS - Eastern Kingbird
43 photos
This album contains images of Eastern Kingbirds.

BIRDS - Eastern Phoebe
16 photos
This album contains images of Eastern Phoebes.

Birds - Eastern Wood Pewee
4 photos

BIRDS - Field Sparrow
2 photos

BIRDS - Golden Crowned Kinglet
3 photos

BIRDS - Gray Catbird
18 photos
This album contains images of Gray Catbirds.

BIRDS - Great Blue Heron
494 photos
This album contains images of Great Blue Herons.

BIRDS - Great Crescent Flycatcher
15 photos
This album contains images of Great Crescent Flycatchers

BIRDS - Great Egret
326 photos
This album contains images of Great Egrets

BIRDS - Great Horned Owl
21 photos
This album contains images of Great Horned Owls.

BIRDS - Green Heron
29 photos
This album contains images of Green Herons

BIRDS - Hairy Woodpecker
5 photos
This album contains images of Hairy Woodpeckers.

BIRDS - Hermit Thrush
3 photos
This album contains images of Hermit Thrushes.

BIRDS - Herring Gull
1 photo
This album contains images of Herring Gulls.

BIRDS - Indigo Bunting
18 photos
This album contains images of Indigo Buntings

BIRDS - Killdeer
11 photos

BIRDS - Least Bittern
27 photos

BIRDS - Lesser-black backed Gull
7 photos

BIRDS - Long-Eared Owl
1 photo
This album contains images of Long-Eared Owls.

BIRDS - Mallard
379 photos
This album contains images of Mallards.

BIRDS - Marsh Wren
7 photos

Birds - Merlin
2 photos

BIRDS - Mourning Dove
109 photos
This album contains images of Mourning Doves.

BIRDS - Mute Swan
323 photos
This album contains images of Mute Swans.

BIRDS - Nashville Warbler
4 photos
This album contains images of Nashville Warblers.

BIRDS - Northern Cardinal
422 photos
This album contains images of Northern Cardinals.

BIRDS - Northern Flicker
27 photos
This album contains images of Northern Flickers.

BIRDS - Northern Shoveler
57 photos
This album contains images of Northern Shovelers.

BIRDS - Osprey
31 photos
This album contains images of Ospreys.

BIRDS - Ovenbird
1 photo
This album contains images of Ovenbirds.

BIRDS - Palm Warbler
7 photos
This album contains images of Palm Warblers.

BIRDS - Pied-Billed Grebe
6 photos
This album contains images of Pied-Billed Grebes

BIRDS - Pileated Woodpecker
59 photos
This album contains images of Pileated Woodpeckers.

BIRDS - Pine Warbler
2 photos

BIRDS - Readhead
1 photo

BIRDS - Red-Breasted Woodpecker
395 photos
This album contains images of Red-Breasted Woodpeckers.

BIRDS - Red-Headed Woodpecker
70 photos
This album contains images of Red-Headed Woodpeckers.

BIRDS - Red-Tailed Hawk
236 photos
This album contains images of Red-Tailed Hawks.

BIRDS - Red-Winged Blackbird
443 photos
This album contains images of Red-Winged Blackbirds

Ring-Billed Gull
28 photos
This album contains images of Ring-Billed Gulls.

BIRDS - Ring-Necked Duck
95 photos
This album contains images of Ring-Necked Ducks.

BIRDS - Ringed Turtle-Dove
16 photos

BIRDS - Rose-Breasted Grosbeak
22 photos
This album contains images of Rose-Breasted Grosbeaks.

BIRDS - Ruby Crowned Kinglet
4 photos

BIRDS - Ruby Throated Hummingbird
12 photos
This album contains images of Ruby Throated Hummingbirds.

BIRDS - Rufous-Sided Towhee
44 photos
This album contains images of Rufous-Sided Towhees.

BIRDS - Rusty Blackbird
1 photo

BIRDS - Sandhill Crane
371 photos
This album contains images of Sandhill Cranes.

BIRDS - Savannah Sparrow
1 photo

BIRDS - Sedge Wren
1 photo

BIRDS - Snowy Owl
34 photos
This album contains images of Snowy Owls.

BIRDS - Solitary Vireo
2 photos

BIRDS - Song Sparrow
85 photos
This album contains images of Song Sparrows.

BIRDS - Sora
22 photos

BIRDS - Summer Tanager
3 photos

BIRDS - Swamp Sparrow
1 photo

BIRDS - Tree Swallow
67 photos
This album contains images of Tree Swallows.

BIRDS - Tufted Titmouse
857 photos
This album contains images of Tufted Titmice.

BIRDS - Tundra Swan
33 photos
This album contains images of Tundra Swans.

BIRDS - Turkey Vulture
9 photos

BIRDS - Virginia Rail
3 photos

BIRDS - White-Breasted Nuthatch
430 photos
This album contains images of White-Breasted Nuthatches.

BIRDS - White-Crowned Sparrow
2 photos

BIRDS - White-Rumped Sandpiper
4 photos
This album contains images of White-Rumped Sandpipers.

BIRDS - White-Throated Sparrow
16 photos
This album contains images of White-Throated Sparrows.

BIRDS - Wild Turkey
59 photos
This album contains images of Wild Turkeys.

BIRDS - Winter Wren
3 photos
This album contains images of Winter Wrens

BIRDS - Wood Duck
244 photos
This album contains images of Wood Ducks.

BIRDS - Wood Thrush
4 photos

BIRDS - Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker
2 photos
This album contains images of Yellow-Bellied Sapsuckers.

BIRDS - Yellow Warbler
61 photos
This album contains images of Yellow Warblers.

BIRDS - Yellow-Rumped Warbler
18 photos
This album contains images of Yellow-Rumped Warblers.

BIRDS - Unidentified
12 photos
This album contains photos of unidentified birds. Any help identifying would be appreciated!

15 photos

BUTTERFLIES - Cabbage White
1 photo

BUTTERFLIES - Creole Pearly Eye
2 photos
This album contains images of Creole Pearly Eye butterflies

BUTTERFLIES - Eastern Black Swallowtail
15 photos
This album contains images of Eastern Black Swallowtail butterflies

BUTTERFLIES - Eastern Tailed Blue
1 photo

BUTTERFLIES - Giant Swallowtail
9 photos

BUTTERFLIES - Little Wood Satyr
2 photos

26 photos
This album contains images of Monarch butterflies

BUTTERFLIES - Silvery Crescentspot
1 photo
This album contains images of Silvery Crescentspot btterflies

BUTTERFLIES - Spicebush Swallowtail
2 photos
This album contains images of Spicebush Swallowtail butterflies

BUTTERFLIES - Tiger Swallowtail
6 photos

BUTTERFLIES - Veined White
1 photo

2 photos

BUTTERFLIES - Unidentified
17 photos
This album contains images of unidentified butterlies

DRAGONFLIES - Black-faced Skimmer
4 photos
This album contains images of Black-faced Skimmers

DRAGONFLIES - Green Clearwing
1 photo

10 photos
This album contains images of Red Skimmers

DRAGONFLIES - Short-stalked Damselfy
1 photo
This album contains images of Short-stalked Damselfies

DRAGONFLIES - Swift Long-winged Skimmer
3 photos

DRAGONFLIES - Twelve-spot Skimmer
6 photos
This album contains images of Twelve-spot skimmers

6 photos
This album contains images of Violet Tail damselflies

2 photos
This album contains images of White Tail dragonflies

DRAGONFLIES - Unidentified
35 photos
This album contains images of unidentified dragonflies.

FLOWERS - Hens & Little Chicks
12 photos
This album contains: - Hens & Little Chicks

2 photos
This album contains: - Pink Flowers

FLOWERS - Purple
1 photo
This album contains: - Unidentified Purple Flowers

1 photo
This album contains: - Unidentified Red Flowers

FLOWERS - Yellow
1 photo
This album contains: - Yellow Flowers

Insects - Ants
1 photo
This album contains: - Red Ants

INSECTS - American Hover Fly
1 photo

INSECTS - Caterpillar
3 photos

INSECTS - Hummingbird Moth
23 photos

INSECTS - Japanese Beetle
1 photo

INSECTS - Lichen Moth
1 photo

INSECTS - Unidentified
2 photos

MAMMALS - American Red Squirrel
141 photos
This album contains images of American Red Squirrels.

MAMMALS - Common Muskrat
23 photos
This album contains images of Common Muskrats

MAMMALS - Common Raccoon
8 photos
This album contains: - Common Raccoons

MAMMALS - Cottontail Rabbit
25 photos

MAMMALS - Coyote
6 photos
This album contains images of coyotes

MAMMALS - Eastern Chipmunk
1085 photos
This album contains images of Eastern Chipmunks.

MAMMALS - Eastern Fox Squirrel
58 photos
This album contains images of Eastern Fox Squirrels

MAMMALS - Eastern Gray Squirrels
224 photos
This album contains images of Eastern Gray Squirrels.

MAMMALS - White-Tailed Deer
1255 photos
This album contains photos of White-Tailed Deer

MAMMALS - White-Tailed Deer (Albino)
254 photos
This album contains photos of an albino White-Tailed Deer.

PLACES - Badlands National Park, South Dakota
9 photos

PLACES - Brighton Recreation Area, Michigan
10 photos
This album contains images taken at the Brighton Recreation Area in Michigan.

PLACES - Crane Creek State Park, Ohio
7 photos

PLACES - Crosswinds Marsh, Michigan
168 photos
This album contains images taken in the Crosswinds Marsh in Michigan.

PLACES - Fort Meigs, Perrysburg, Ohio
13 photos

PLACES - Fremont, Ohio
35 photos

PLACES - Highland Recreation Area, Michigan
11 photos
This album contains images taken at the Highland Recreation Area in Michigan.

PLACES - Huron Meadows Metropark
13 photos

PLACES - Island Lake Recreation Area, Michigan
3 photos
This album contains images taken at the Island Lake Recreation Area in Michigan

PLACES - Kensington Metropark, Michigan
1938 photos
This album contains images taken in the Kensington Metropark in Michigan.

PLACES - Kent State University, Ohio
18 photos

PLACES - Lake Erie Metropark
20 photos

PLACES - Lower Huron Metropark, Michigan
503 photos
This album contains images taken at the Lower Huron Metropark in Michigan.

PLACES - Lower Rouge Trail
14 photos

PLACES - Maybury State Park, Michigan
2 photos
This album contains images taken in the Maybury State Park in Michigan.

Maumee Bay State Park, Ohio
5 photos

PLACES - Mill Race Historical Village, Michgian
8 photos
This album contains images taken at the Mill Race Historical Village in Michigan

PLACES - Mount Ranier National Park, Washington
3 photos

PLACES - Mount Rushmore National Park, South...
6 photos

Oak Openings Preserve Metroperk, Ohio
29 photos

PLACES - Oakwood Metropark, Michigan
231 photos
This album contains images taken in the Oakwood Metropark in Michigan.

PLACES - Pontiac Lake Recreation Area, Michigan
4 photos
This album contains images taken at the Pontiac Lake Recreation Area in Michigan.

PLACES - Port Clinton, Ohio
3 photos

PLACES - Proud Lake Recration Area, Michigan
15 photos
This album contains images taken at the Proud Lake Recreation Area in Michigan.

PLACES - Romulus, Michigan
1 photo
This album contains images taken in Romulus, Michigan.

PLACES - Sandusky, Ohio
12 photos

PLACES - Spiegel Grove State Park, Ohio
40 photos
This album contains images taken at Spiegel Grove State Park in Fremont, Ohio. The home of the 19th President of the United States, Rutherford B. Hayes.

PLACES - Stirling State Park, Michigan
1 photo
This album contains images taken at the Stirling State Park in Michigan

PLACES - Waterloo Recreation Area, Michigan
3 photos
This album contains images taken in the Waterloo Recreation Area in Michigan.

PLACES - Whidbey Island, Washington
9 photos

PLACES - Willow Metropark, Michigan
26 photos
This album contains images taken in the Willow Metropark in Michigan.

REPTILES - Painted Turtle
42 photos
This album contains: - Painted Turtles

REPTILES - Snapping Turtle
3 photos

2 photos

SCENICS - Fog & Mist
39 photos
This album contains: - Fog scenics - Mist scenics

SCENICS - Sunrise/Sunsets
267 photos
This album contains: - Sunrises - Sunsets

SPIDER - Eastern Daddy-long-legs
1 photo

TREES - Pignut Hickory
2 photos

XX - Snail
12 photos