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User / dogwelder / ...and now, a story from Idiot Boy
Luke Gattuso / 8,730 items
So, there was this awesome motel with a huge neon sign on Ventura Boulevard. At first, I just took pictures of the sign, but then I thought "Hey, this would look cool with the whole motel!" The only problem: I had to stand in the middle of the street to get the shot- but there was a chicken lane, so no problem! This is what I learned:
1. Just because it's a chicken lane doesn't mean cars stay away.
2. squatting in the middle of a busy-yet-dark street wearing dark clothes is a bad idea.
3. In a battle between human and minvan, the winner is minivan.

So, I am now the proud owner of a sore left shoulder and hip (which I am sure will be all sorts of neat colors in the morning), a scraped right elbow and left knee, and this shot.

I don't think it was worth it.

At least the police and the ambulance folks were all very nice, as was the guy who hit me. Still, it seems like a bad way to meet people. Not recommended.
  • Views: 3754
  • Comments: 32
  • Favorites: 11
  • Taken: Sep 24, 2008
  • Uploaded: Sep 24, 2008
  • Updated: May 8, 2019