A leopard bids farewell before moving off in the Serengeti bush. He is as perfectly at home in these grasses as he is in the acacia trees that dot the horizon. The leopard's spotted coat provides wonderful camouflage, making them all but invisible to most animals, when they crouch in the grasses and underbrush. Only their scent tips off many an approaching animal. The life of a leopard is mostly solitary, punctuated only by visits from a mate or the few years of early development spent with a parent. They survive solely by their own merits, with no assistance at completing the daily tasks necessary for survival in the wilds of Africa. How many of us can make the same claim? #ILoveWildlife #ILoveCats #WidlifePhotography in #Tanzania #Wildlife #Conservation #Leopards #RespectWildlife #BigCats
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