Fern growing in a 40-year old lava flow. Some software HDR and tone mapping from a single RAW exposure. One of my personal favorites. Featured in my photo essay “Hawaii.”
Tags: Hawaii Big Island Hawaii Volcanoes National Park lava RAW
Two swimmers framed by shoreline, a horizon, and an overhanging tree. West Maui looms in the distance. One of my personal favorites. Featured in my photo essay “Hawaii.”
Tags: Hawaii Molokai One Ali‘i beach park Maui swimmer horizon One Ali‘i Beach
The beautiful and forbidding north shore of Hawaii’s most Hawaiian island (other than Ni‘ihau), Molokai. Featured in my photo essay “Hawaii.”
Tags: Molokai Hawaii island north shore pali cliffs shoreline green lush ocean
See my blog posting “Hawaii,” updated with these newly processed pics in Feb. 2014. Also featured in my photo essay “Hawaii.”
Thankfully I shot this in RAW, because I was able to use Lightroom to rescue a terrible exposure under washed-out overcast skies. There’s also a bit of subtle radial filtering around the main temple stone to emphasize it.
Tags: Hawaii Big Island Hikiau Heiau heiau Hawaiian temple stone human sacrifice Kona Kealakeku Bay dof green
Some of the fascinating vegetation repopulating a lava flow on the easter slopes of the Big Island, west of Hilo. One of my personal favorites. Featured in my photo essay “Hawaii.”
Tags: Hawaii Big Island gold unidentifiedplant