I was just packing up the camera and tripod and about to cross the street back to the car, and saw this. The images never end! Exposure: 1.3 sec. at f/8, ISO 80.
Part of my photo essay “Night.”
Tags: Spokane Eastern Washington Inland Northwest night dusk lights blue hour Washington Washington State RAW Lightroom
One of my personal favorites. Part of my photo essay “Night.”
Tags: Spokane Eastern Washington Inland Northwest night dusk lights blue hour Washington Washington State Spokane River river RAW Lightroom
The Spokane County Courthouse, built in 1895.
The rich color of the old brick, the glow of the interior, and the composition of the ornate doorway with windows and shoveled pathway make this one of my personal favorites. Part of my photo essay “Night.”
Tags: courthouse Spokane County Courthouse 1895 architecture Spokane dusk blue hour RAW Lightroom Eastern Washington building French Renaissance Renaissance architecture 1800s light
Part of my photo essay “Night.”
Tags: Eastern Washington Inland Northwest Washington small town suburban night snow light glow RAW Lightroom
One second exposure holding the camera by hand (and holding my breath!) with some tone mapping and noise filtering to deal with the huge dynamic range difference between the instruments and the beautiful gloom outside. Shot in RAW, of course.
Part of my photo essay “Night.”
Tags: lights dashboard dash car interior night dusk lake RAW Lightroom tone mapping