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Portrait of a long-tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis), a species commonly found in Southeast Asia, especially in coastal regions and forests. This long-tailed macaque seems to peer right into your soul with its deep, reflective eyes. Often seen in the wild and near human settlements, these intelligent primates remind us of the delicate balance between the animal kingdom and humanity. Take a moment to appreciate the natural beauty and emotional depth in the eyes of this fellow creature.

Tags:   jungle animal kingdom portrait monkey face mammal forest macaque fotograzio animal gaze Southeast wild Wayne Grazio photography soulful eyes outdoors nature closeup long-tailed animal world Wildlife Portrait Long-tailed macaque Asia animals portraiture Wayne Steven Grazio Wayne S. Grazio wildlife photography wild macaque Monkey intelligent primate southeast Asia nature photography face macaque face expressive eyes nature fur animal beauty primate forest eyes jungle primate animal gaze natural habitat primate portrait wildlife expressive macaque

N 56 B 572 C 0 E Sep 6, 2022 F Sep 14, 2024
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N 141 B 564 C 9 E Aug 11, 2024 F Sep 14, 2024
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Tags:   Leica SL2 Vario Elmarit 24-90 Greenland

N 49 B 525 C 0 E Sep 14, 2024 F Sep 14, 2024
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Tags:   Leica M11P 35 Summilux ASPH
