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User / ER's Eyes - Our planet is so beautiful. / Sets / 'El Chimborazo' Volcano at 6,263 meters (20,702 ft) above sea level, the Central Ecuadorian Andes.
Elias Rovielo / 30 items

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Effects of high altitude on humans:

Medicine recognizes that altitudes above 1,500 metres (4,900 ft) start to affect humans, and there is no record of humans living at extreme altitudes above 5,500–6,000 metres (18,000–19,700 ft) for more than two years. As the altitude increases, atmospheric pressure decreases, which affects humans by reducing the partial pressure of oxygen. The lack of oxygen above 2,400 metres (8,000 ft) can cause serious illnesses such as altitude sickness, high altitude pulmonary edema, and high altitude cerebral edema. The higher the altitude, the more likely are serious effects. The human body can adapt to high altitude by breathing faster, having a higher heart rate, and adjusting its blood chemistry. It can take days or weeks to adapt to high altitude. However, above 8,000 metres (26,000 ft), (in the "death zone"), altitude acclimatization becomes impossible.

There is a significantly lower overall mortality rate for permanent residents at higher altitudes. Additionally, there is a dose response relationship between increasing elevation and decreasing obesity prevalence in the United States. In addition, the recent hypothesis suggests that high altitude could be protective against Alzheimer's disease via action of erythropoietin, a hormone released by kidney in response to hypoxia. However, people living at higher elevations have a statistically significant higher rate of suicide. The cause for the increased suicide risk is unknown so far. However, people living at high altitudes tend to be skinnier despite their excess calorie consumption. This fact is a consequence of the human bodies inability to process calories into fat at altitudes greater than 7000 feet.

Tags:   Ciudad Mitad del Mundo Middle of the World City Cidade da Metade do Mundo Pichincha Ecuador Equador South America the Andes San Antonio the Monument to the Equador Franco-Spanish Geodesic Mission Museo Etnográfico Mitad del Mundo Ethnographic Museum Middle of the Earth the indigenous people ethnography of Ecuador the Geodesic Mission of the French Academy of Sciences the Earth the French Geodesic Mission Quitu-cara culture egg-shaped GPS Latitud 0º0'0 the city's official double-decker bus the Quito Tour Bus Viator tripadvisor Equator Line Tour Mitad del Mundo Línea Equinoccial Monumento Ecuatorial Equatorial Monument Central Highlands Casa Carpedm Jackie Luzuriaga Cerros de la Marca Pululahua La Marca Hills The Monument to the Equator Monumento a la Mitad del Mundo Highlands alta altitude montanhas mountains volcano vulcões volcán paisagem landscape Carpedm Adventures Casa Carpedm Guesthouse Daniel Alirio the Andes Mountain range Cordilheira dos Andes Avenida dos Vulcões the Avenue of the Volcanoes estrada Highway Palmeiras Credicard Alpinismo Ñato (my guide) Tata Ruta Piquical Chico

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Vía a Riobamba at 3,400 meters / 11,154 feet above sea level at the moment.


The summit of Mount Everest is higher above sea level, but the summit of Chimborazo is widely reported to be the farthest point on the surface from Earth's center, with Huascarán a very close second.

The summit of the Chimborazo is the fixed point on Earth that has the utmost distance from the center – because of the oblate spheroid shape of the planet Earth, which is 'thicker' around the Equator than measured around the poles.

Chimborazo is one degree south of the Equator and the Earth's diameter at the Equator is greater than at the latitude of Everest (8,848 m (29,029 ft) above sea level), nearly 27.6° north, with sea level also elevated. Despite being 2,585 m (8,481 ft) lower in elevation above sea level, it is 6,384.4 km (3,967.1 mi) from the Earth's center, 2,163 m (7,096 ft) farther than the summit of Everest (6,382.3 km (3,965.8 mi) from the Earth's center).

However, by height above sea level, Chimborazo is not the highest peak of the Andes.

Tags:   Taita Chimborazo Father Chimborazo El Chimborazo la provincia de Chimborazo Chimborazo Province the Cental Ecuadorian Andes Cordillera Occidental Chimborazo Wildlife Reserve Reserva de Producción de Fauna Chimborazo Chimborazo volcano Chimborazo Vulcão Chimborazo Estratovolcán (inactivo) Vía a Riobamba Vía a Ambato Volcán Chimborazo high mountain alta montana ciclismo de montanha mountain biking Jose (guia) ultra-prominent peak ultra a mountain summit P1500 ultra major mountain the summit of Chimborazo the Arenal el arenal farthest point from Earth's center Urcurazu Mountain of Ice Equador Ecuador highlands the Andes the Western Range the Central Highlands Ivagatours Tour Operator Ivagatours el esposo del cercano Mama Tungurahua Avenida dos Vulcões the Avenue of the Volcanoes vulcão volcán volcano estratovolcán stratovolcano montanha mountain the Andes mountain range sport esporte alpinismo escalada hiking climbing mountaineering caminhada montanhismo mountaineer climber the refugio refúgio refuge hut Jose (my guide) Tata Ruta Piquical Chico
