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User / Emma Ross
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N 60 B 107.1K C 22 E Feb 27, 2014 F Feb 26, 2014
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Today I succeeded in seeing "Gravity" and followed on with some dress shopping.

It was a couple of weeks ago that I tried and failed to see this movie. I should probably have used the time when I was not in a cinema to browse the clothes rails, but I was not dressed for it. As I was expecting to spend my afternoon in a darkened theatre, I was dressed simply and casually. I was not even wearing tights (pantyhose) so I could not show my legs. Perhaps I could have modelled jeans or floor-length gowns, but I really was not in the mood for either.

Due to the recent success of "Gravity" at the awards, its run was extended so I had another chance today and there were no problems this time. The movie is tense and the 3D effects are stunning! I am so glad I did not decide to wait for the DVD and see it in 2D.

Though the days are getting longer, it is still clearly Winter with cold air and bitter winds so I dressed warmly, as you can see here. I was also careful to dress suitably for trying on dresses and after the show was over I dropped in on the department store near the cinema. This is just to show what I wore out on the street; the usual self-indulgent posing will follow soon.

Tags:   Emma Ross grey coat green scarf green top grey skirt

N 78 B 61.6K C 40 E Oct 30, 2013 F Oct 29, 2013
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A bargain from a charity shop, this little black dress cost only a fiver!

I think I can maybe now see why it was unwanted by its previous owner. It is extremely thin and partly transparent. It is not as obvious in real life, but the flash seems to go through the dress like an x-ray.

Tags:   Emma Ross LBD thin dress black dress black stilettos

N 87 B 99.0K C 16 E Feb 15, 2014 F Feb 14, 2014
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Some days I dress nicely just for my own satisfaction. Occasionally (and don't repeat this scandalous admission) I don't even take a photo!

However, on this day I did.

Tags:   Emma Ross white lace top black and white mid length skirt black stilettos

N 159 B 55.2K C 46 E Dec 12, 2013 F Dec 11, 2013
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It has been a great year. I have done more than I ever thought possible -- and that is bad.

Please read my profile for the full explanation and an important announcement.

Tags:   Emma Ross green blouse caramel miniskirt caramel stilettos

N 93 B 59.7K C 50 E Dec 15, 2013 F Dec 14, 2013
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Isn't it frustrating when you have a really bright idea and nobody will listen? Today I had no chance of a real conversation as there is so much to do for the holidays. In fact my partner was hardly at home at all!

Tags:   Emma Ross peach top white miniskirt caramel stilettos
