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User / Emma Ross
1,959 items

N 173 B 63.8K C 22 E May 24, 2022 F May 26, 2022
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It's a wonderful pleasure to be out in the sun with friends.

Tags:   Emma Ross

N 11 B 33.2K C 13 E Nov 24, 2012 F Nov 23, 2012
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The party season is here! In the weeks before Christmas nights out come faster and faster. As you can see, I'm in training.

Tags:   Emma Ross grey sequinned top purple evening skirt black stilettos

N 22 B 41.4K C 16 E May 17, 2013 F May 17, 2013
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I wore this jacket and four inch heels and carried this bag as I left the hotel. The outfit would have been good for shopping in the town, but we had other plans. We went out in the countryside to climb a hill and, due to the threatening rain, I changed into a waterproof jacket. I also changed my shoes, so the outfit you see here did not last long. I liked it though and may use it again on a better day.

Tags:   Emma Ross grey jacket dark caramel tee olive jeggings caramel stilettos

N 49 B 39.8K C 44 E Aug 19, 2011 F Aug 19, 2011
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Tonight I'll prepare something special. What is your favourite?

Tags:   Emma Ross lilac flowered top peep toe shoes cream wrap skirt

N 92 B 74.7K C 14 E Oct 10, 2015 F Oct 9, 2015
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Sometimes the only way to get far enough back is to go up.

Tags:   Emma Ross
