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User / Emma Ross / Sets / 2010
65 items

N 56 B 37.3K C 26 E Mar 12, 2010 F Mar 12, 2010
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This pic is framed too tightly - I usually zoom out to show some border. It's a mistake, but I like it anyway so here it is.

Tags:   Emma Ross skinny jeans black boots black rollneck

N 18 B 65.5K C 45 E Sep 17, 2010 F Sep 17, 2010
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What have I been doing lately? Well, I've been growing my hair out and now I've had it lightened.

Okay, I bought it, but I have often thought of moving away from the curly mass of hair in deepest black that I've carried for years. I wanted some length, to show movement, and just a little more colour, to show shape, which solid black does not do. This is my choice, although it turned out lighter than I expected.

I am now trying to get used to the problems of hair sticking to my lips and adjusting my makeup tones. There is no doubt that a change of hair colour, however small, requires a rethink of makeup and wardrobe. The first thing was a switch from black to brown eyebrow pencil, although you cannot see it here.

I have a few photos to demonstrate my new hair to you and I shall start with this close up, to give you a good look. What do you think? Should I go back to black, or beyond to blonde?

Tags:   Emma Ross brown striped blouse

N 46 B 82.1K C 36 E Sep 18, 2010 F Sep 17, 2010
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First photo with new hairstyle. Not certain how it is going to turn out. First reactions very good. Must try more of this.

Tags:   Emma Ross brown striped blouse caramel skirt

N 33 B 43.5K C 32 E Sep 20, 2010 F Sep 19, 2010
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To make a really good impression, there's nothing to compare with a close-fitting dress.

Tags:   Emma Ross tight brown dress brown courts

N 55 B 54.2K C 36 E Sep 21, 2010 F Sep 21, 2010
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I'm settling in to my new hairstyle and discovering the fun of longer hair. A whole world of clips, clasps and bands opens up! I'm not sure where I'm going with these accessories, but if I find any good ideas, I'll be sure to show you.

Tags:   Emma Ross tan striped blouse caramel skirt light brown sandals
