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User / Emma Ross / Sets / 2018
172 items

N 30 B 55.0K C 20 E Jan 13, 2018 F Jan 12, 2018
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A little taste of why I've been away. No sunshine and blue skies on this trip because snow is falling and that's what we all want, isn't it?

Tags:   Emma Ross

N 163 B 55.9K C 24 E Jan 15, 2018 F Jan 15, 2018
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I love cooking! Obviously if you love eating (and who doesn't?) then you must love cooking, to some degree. Much of time ingredients can be judged by eye, however the key ingredients have to be measured. For example the proportion of flour and liquid must be right. A certain measure of flour for a certain measure of water.

Tags:   Emma Ross

N 209 B 60.7K C 50 E Jan 16, 2018 F Jan 16, 2018
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Going out in public like this the first time is a huge barrier to overcome. I agonised over it for years!

Now, with care to get the details right and dress appropriately, it has become so easy that I often choose to turn boring shopping trips into pretty outings, as I did today.

It seems all my worry was much ado about nothing.

Tags:   Emma Ross

N 106 B 47.1K C 23 E Dec 4, 2017 F Jan 17, 2018
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We've had enough of these Shakespearean comedy titles, don't you think? The last few were quite contrived and I can't imagine how to make a picture fit the title "Henry IV, Part 2". It's best to finish here and say, "All's Well That Ends Well".

Something new tomorrow, perhaps?

Tags:   Emma Ross

N 79 B 50.0K C 21 E Jan 16, 2018 F Jan 19, 2018
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Or maybe not! The abundance of price tickets reveals this is just me borrowing the room displays in IKEA.

Tags:   Emma Ross
