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User / Emma Ross / Sets / 2021
56 items

N 82 B 94.1K C 13 E Nov 16, 2017 F Jan 2, 2021
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May we all have many good reasons to smile in 2021.

Tags:   Emma Ross

N 125 B 78.4K C 12 E Jan 16, 2020 F Jan 4, 2021
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I'm ready to return to the office. Is the office ready for us? It seems not and we have to stay at home another month or more.

Be strong; be safe!

Tags:   Emma Ross

N 89 B 94.5K C 22 E Jan 16, 2020 F Jan 8, 2021
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Thank you to all my friends, who bring me great joy with their kindness. I cannot always reply as often as I should, but you must know that I see all your reactions and I love you. You inspire me to continue sharing pics.

[This is a piece of a recent bigger photo which I think works as a close-up too.]

Tags:   Emma Ross

N 170 B 101.2K C 23 E Jan 28, 2020 F Jan 20, 2021
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A smart skirt can be very cozy, even on a bitter winter's day, if it is woolen and has an elegant length.

When I put on my coat, scarf and gloves I'll be all snug and safe from the cold, except perhaps my feet and it takes some seriously bad weather to get me out of heels!

Tags:   Emma Ross

N 199 B 106.6K C 36 E Feb 6, 2020 F Feb 9, 2021
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Fortunately I can work at home, which means I feel very secure. I can even wear jeans and t-shirt any day I like.

Unfortunately nothing exciting has happened for a long time. There isn't even anything boring to tell you! Life has been put in storage. I'm happy enough with that, all things considered.

Tags:   Emma Ross
