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User / ericy202
15,157 items

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View of Levant mine on the Cornish north coast. Closed the day we went but I believe has a working beam steam engine @ times in the summer season

Tags:   Levant mine engine house cliffs Cornwall blue sea sky

N 98 B 5.9K C 9 E Sep 22, 2020 F Sep 22, 2020
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Stretched my legs @ Warham Greens this morning, beautiful day but no luck with the rarity there. Did find this little Wren preening in a sunny spot

Tags:   Wren preening video leaf rose hip Warham Green

N 21 B 7.1K C 16 E Feb 27, 2015 F Feb 27, 2015
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In nice sunshine with a cold wind the Bearded Tit's were showing well on foot of east bank @ Cley NWT today

Tags:   Bearded Tit Panurus biarmicus male Cley east bank Norfolk NWT

N 31 B 3.4K C 23 E Mar 3, 2015 F Mar 3, 2015
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Two more Brown Hare shots from sunday. This one is not far away & knows I am there so ears are laid back

Tags:   Brown Hare Norfolk

N 10 B 5.6K C 11 E Mar 13, 2019 F Mar 13, 2019
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On a very windy day, I noticed this Willow catkin (Pussy Willow as we call it) just opend beside the path @ Titchwell this morning

Tags:   Pussy willow catkin just opened Titchwell RSPB

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