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User / europeanspaceagency / Comet meets cluster
European Space Agency / 11,599 items
What: Comet C/2012 P1 Garradd passing by globular cluster M9.2
How: The image is a composite of luminance data from a 16-inch RCOS with STL11000 CCD and colour information from a 10-inch ASA 10N Astrograph with STL11000 CCD. The images were processed in MaximDL and combined in Photoshop CS5
When: 3 February 2012
Where: Missouri and California, USA
Who: Gregg Ruppel and Paul Mortfield

What our judges said: “This composition not only shows two contrasting astronomical objects – an icy comet and its dust tail and a dense cluster of stars separated by huge astronomical distances – but also the combined efforts of two collaborating astronomers situated over 2000 km apart. We also enjoyed spotting distant background galaxies in the field of view!”

Credits: G. Ruppel and P. Mortfield
  • Views: 4673
  • Comments: 0
  • Favorites: 6
  • Taken: Feb 4, 2012
  • Uploaded: Dec 5, 2012
  • Updated: Oct 25, 2022