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User / europeanspaceagency / Sets / Farnborough airshow 2012
European Space Agency / 32 items

N 1 B 1.9K C 0 E Jul 12, 2012 F Jul 12, 2012
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The Space Growth Agenda: a plan for continued growth, jobs and innovation opportunities In 2010, the UK space industry announced an ambitious strategy to create an industry worth £40 billion by 2030, and 100 000 new jobs in the process. Find out whether the space industry is delivering on its plan and how it is refining its strategy to meet the prevailing economic winds.

Speakers will include Lord Stephen Green, UK Minister for Trade and Investment; Catherine Mealing-Jones, UK Space Agency Director of Growth, Applications and EU Pogrammes; Magali Vaissière, ESA Director of Telecommunications and Integrated Applications; Volker Liebig, ESA Director of Earth Observation; Keith Robson, University of Surrey Director of Research and Enterprise Support; and Richard Peckham, Chair of UKspace and ADS Vice-President.

For further information please visit:

Credits: ESA

Tags:   ESA European Space Agency Farnborough

N 0 B 1.8K C 0 E Jul 12, 2012 F Jul 12, 2012
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The Space Growth Agenda: a plan for continued growth, jobs and innovation opportunities In 2010, the UK space industry announced an ambitious strategy to create an industry worth £40 billion by 2030, and 100 000 new jobs in the process. Find out whether the space industry is delivering on its plan and how it is refining its strategy to meet the prevailing economic winds.

Speakers will include Lord Stephen Green, UK Minister for Trade and Investment; Catherine Mealing-Jones, UK Space Agency Director of Growth, Applications and EU Pogrammes; Magali Vaissière, ESA Director of Telecommunications and Integrated Applications; Volker Liebig, ESA Director of Earth Observation; Keith Robson, University of Surrey Director of Research and Enterprise Support; and Richard Peckham, Chair of UKspace and ADS Vice-President.

For further information please visit:

Credits: ESA

Tags:   ESA European Space Agency Farnborough

N 0 B 1.8K C 0 E Jul 12, 2012 F Jul 12, 2012
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In 2010, the UK space industry announced an ambitious strategy to create an industry worth £40 billion by 2030, and 100 000 new jobs in the process. Find out whether the space industry is delivering on its plan and how it is refining its strategy to meet the prevailing economic winds.

Speakers included Lord Stephen Green, UK Minister for Trade and Investment, Catherine Mealing-Jones, UK Space Agency Director of Growth, Applications and EU Pogrammes, Magali Vaissière, ESA Director of Telecommunications and Integrated Applications, Volker Liebig, ESA Director of Earth Observation, Keith Robson, University of Surrey Director of Research and Enterprise Support, and Richard Peckham, Chair of UKspace and ADS Vice-President.

For further information please visit:

Credits: ESA

Tags:   ESA European Space Agency Farnborough Richard Peckham Keith Robson Mealing-Jones Vaissiere Liebig Green

N 0 B 1.6K C 0 E Jul 12, 2012 F Jul 12, 2012
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In 2010, the UK space industry announced an ambitious strategy to create an industry worth £40 billion by 2030, and 100 000 new jobs in the process. Find out whether the space industry is delivering on its plan and how it is refining its strategy to meet the prevailing economic winds.

Speakers included Lord Stephen Green, UK Minister for Trade and Investment, Catherine Mealing-Jones, UK Space Agency Director of Growth, Applications and EU Pogrammes, Magali Vaissière, ESA Director of Telecommunications and Integrated Applications, Volker Liebig, ESA Director of Earth Observation, Keith Robson, University of Surrey Director of Research and Enterprise Support, and Richard Peckham, Chair of UKspace and ADS Vice-President.

For further information please visit:

Credits: ESA

Tags:   ESA European Space Agency Farnborough Richard Peckham Keith Robson Mealing-Jones Vaissiere Liebig Green

N 1 B 1.6K C 0 E Jul 12, 2012 F Jul 12, 2012
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Volker Liebig, ESA's Director of Earth Observation visits the ESA exhibition with Martin Ditter, Head of ESA Harwell Centre and Pascal Lecomte, Head of ESA Climate Office.

For further information please visit:

Credits: ESA

Tags:   ESA European Space Agency Farnborough airshow Ditter Liebig Lecomte
