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User / europeanspaceagency / Sets / PANGAEA 2018
European Space Agency / 34 items

N 9 B 5.3K C 0 E Nov 16, 2018 F Nov 19, 2018
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PANGAEA trainee Sergei Kud-Sverchkov is ready to rock, providing the science team with a detailed audio description of the highly-altered sample he is examining.

The main focus of the third session of Pangaea is volcanism. Lessons on the first day emphasized types of lavas and volcanoes found across Earth, Mars and the Moon.

ESA’s Pangaea training course prepares astronauts and space engineers to identify planetary geological features for future missions to the Moon, Mars and asteroids.

Leading European planetary geologists share their insights into the geology of the Solar System.

Through Pangaea, Europe is developing operational concepts for surface missions where astronauts and robots work together, among themselves and with scientists and engineers on Earth, using the best field geology and planetary observation techniques.

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Credits: ESA–A. Romeo

Tags:   Red ESA European Space Agency Space Universe Cosmos Space Science Science Space Technology Tech Technology Human spaceflight Astronaut Astronauts Cosmonaut Lanzarote Caves Pangaea Canary Islands Islas Canarias Spain España Expedition training Volcano Volcanic Volcanoes Life

N 10 B 4.6K C 0 E Nov 16, 2018 F Nov 19, 2018
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Several large shafts/chimneys around Tinguatòn formed from erupting geysers in 1824. The volcanic activity heated up groundwater, flashing it to steam, and causing it to erupt up through cracks in the ground.

Historical eye-witnesses have reported that the geysers reached 30 meters high!

The main focus of the third session of Pangaea is volcanism. Lessons on the first day emphasized types of lavas and volcanoes found across Earth, Mars and the Moon.

ESA’s Pangaea training course prepares astronauts and space engineers to identify planetary geological features for future missions to the Moon, Mars and asteroids.

Leading European planetary geologists share their insights into the geology of the Solar System.

Through Pangaea, Europe is developing operational concepts for surface missions where astronauts and robots work together, among themselves and with scientists and engineers on Earth, using the best field geology and planetary observation techniques.

More about Pangaea

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Credits: ESA–A. Romeo

Tags:   Red ESA European Space Agency Space Universe Cosmos Space Science Science Space Technology Tech Technology Human spaceflight Astronaut Astronauts Cosmonaut Lanzarote Caves Pangaea Canary Islands Islas Canarias Spain España Expedition training Volcano Volcanic Volcanoes Life

N 2 B 3.0K C 0 E Nov 16, 2018 F Nov 19, 2018
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Meticulous note taking and documentation is important for geologists and astronauts a like. Here Aidan Cowley and Sergei Kud-Sverchkov are tagging a sample site with a QR code, and sending photos back to the science team at ground control.

The main focus of the third session of Pangaea is volcanism. Lessons on the first day emphasized types of lavas and volcanoes found across Earth, Mars and the Moon.

ESA’s Pangaea training course prepares astronauts and space engineers to identify planetary geological features for future missions to the Moon, Mars and asteroids.

Leading European planetary geologists share their insights into the geology of the Solar System.

Through Pangaea, Europe is developing operational concepts for surface missions where astronauts and robots work together, among themselves and with scientists and engineers on Earth, using the best field geology and planetary observation techniques.

More about Pangaea

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Credits: ESA–A. Romeo

Tags:   Red ESA European Space Agency Space Universe Cosmos Space Science Science Space Technology Tech Technology Human spaceflight Astronaut Astronauts Cosmonaut Lanzarote Caves Pangaea Canary Islands Islas Canarias Spain España Expedition training Volcano Volcanic Volcanoes Life

N 4 B 3.1K C 0 E Nov 16, 2018 F Nov 19, 2018
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Standing at the rim of this volcanic edifice, the Pangaea field team stops to take a 360° panoramic photo to show the remote science team at ground control.

The main focus of the third session of Pangaea is volcanism. Lessons on the first day emphasized types of lavas and volcanoes found across Earth, Mars and the Moon.

ESA’s Pangaea training course prepares astronauts and space engineers to identify planetary geological features for future missions to the Moon, Mars and asteroids.

Leading European planetary geologists share their insights into the geology of the Solar System.

Through Pangaea, Europe is developing operational concepts for surface missions where astronauts and robots work together, among themselves and with scientists and engineers on Earth, using the best field geology and planetary observation techniques.

More about Pangaea

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Credits: ESA–A. Romeo

Tags:   Red ESA European Space Agency Space Universe Cosmos Space Science Science Space Technology Tech Technology Human spaceflight Astronaut Astronauts Cosmonaut Lanzarote Caves Pangaea Canary Islands Islas Canarias Spain España Expedition training Volcano Volcanic Volcanoes Life

N 2 B 2.9K C 0 E Nov 16, 2018 F Nov 19, 2018
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Crew on a mission – with the Electronic Field Book in hand, Aidan Cowley leads the way towards the next geological site on the team’s traverse route.

The main focus of the third session of Pangaea is volcanism. Lessons on the first day emphasized types of lavas and volcanoes found across Earth, Mars and the Moon.

ESA’s Pangaea training course prepares astronauts and space engineers to identify planetary geological features for future missions to the Moon, Mars and asteroids.

Leading European planetary geologists share their insights into the geology of the Solar System.

Through Pangaea, Europe is developing operational concepts for surface missions where astronauts and robots work together, among themselves and with scientists and engineers on Earth, using the best field geology and planetary observation techniques.

More about Pangaea

Stay tuned on the blog

Credits: ESA–A. Romeo

Tags:   Red ESA European Space Agency Space Universe Cosmos Space Science Science Space Technology Tech Technology Human spaceflight Astronaut Astronauts Cosmonaut Lanzarote Caves Pangaea Canary Islands Islas Canarias Spain España Expedition training Volcano Volcanic Volcanoes Life
