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User / europeanspaceagency / Sets / Arctic Weather Satellite
European Space Agency / 6 items

N 10 B 2.3K C 0 E Mar 13, 2024 F Mar 13, 2024
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ESA’s Arctic Weather Satellite being prepared for environmental tests at IAGB in Ottobrunn, Germany. The photograph shows the satellite on the shaker – a test that ensures that the satellite will survive liftoff.

The satellite is equipped with a 19-channel cross-track scanning microwave radiometer, which benefits from the heritage technology of the Microwave Sounder developed for the MetOp Second Generation satellites. The instrument will provide high-resolution humidity and temperature soundings of the atmosphere in all weather conditions.

The Arctic Weather Satellite is actually the forerunner of a potential constellation of satellites, called EPS-Sterna, that ESA would build for Eumetsat if this first prototype Arctic Weather Satellite works well.

Credits: ESA–P. Sebirot

Tags:   ESA European Space Agency Space Universe Cosmos Space Science Science Space Technology Tech Technology Arctic Weather Satellite Arctic Weather In The Clean Room Engineering ESTEC European Space Technology Centre

N 16 B 2.2K C 0 E Mar 13, 2024 F Mar 13, 2024
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ESA’s Arctic Weather Satellite being prepared for environmental tests at IAGB in Ottobrunn, Germany. The photograph shows engineers making the satellite ready for the shaker test which ensures that the satellite will survive liftoff.

The Arctic Weather Satellite is equipped with a 19-channel cross-track scanning microwave radiometer, which benefits from the heritage technology of the Microwave Sounder developed for the MetOp Second Generation satellites. The instrument will provide high-resolution humidity and temperature soundings of the atmosphere in all weather conditions.

The satellite is actually the forerunner of a potential constellation of satellites, called EPS-Sterna, that ESA would build for Eumetsat if this first prototype Arctic Weather Satellite works well.

Credits: ESA–P. Sebirot

Tags:   ESA European Space Agency Space Universe Cosmos Space Science Science Space Technology Tech Technology Arctic Weather Satellite Arctic Weather In The Clean Room Engineering ESTEC European Space Technology Centre

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ESA’s Arctic Weather Satellite undergoing final tests at OHB’s facilities in Stockholm, Sweden. The satellite is in its very last stages of being checked and readied for shipment to the Vandenberg launch site in California in the US.

As its name suggests, the Arctic Weather Satellite mission is expected to improve weather forecasts in the Arctic – a region that currently lacks data for accurate short-term forecasts. Embracing the concept of New Space, the satellite was developed and built on a very tight schedule of just 36 months and on a tight budget. It is the forerunner of a potential constellation of satellites, called EPS-Sterna, that ESA would build for Eumetsat if the prototype Arctic Weather Satellite works well.

Credits: ESA - P. Sebirot

Tags:   ESA European Space Agency Space Universe Cosmos Space Science Science Space Technology Tech Technology Arctic Weather Satellite In The Clean Room Engineering Stockholm Sweden Testing

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ESA’s Arctic Weather Satellite undergoing its final tests in the cleanroom at OHB’s facilities in Stockholm, Sweden, before it is packed up and shipped to the Vandenberg launch site in California in the US.

As its name suggests, the Arctic Weather Satellite mission is expected to improve weather forecasts in the Arctic – a region that currently lacks data for accurate short-term forecasts. Embracing the concept of New Space, the satellite was developed and built on a very tight schedule of just 36 months and on a tight budget. It is the forerunner of a potential constellation of satellites, called EPS-Sterna, that ESA would build for Eumetsat if the prototype Arctic Weather Satellite works well.

Credits: ESA - P. Sebirot

Tags:   ESA European Space Agency Space Universe Cosmos Space Science Science Space Technology Tech Technology Arctic Weather Satellite In The Clean Room Engineering Stockholm Sweden Testing

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ESA’s new Arctic Weather Satellite has taken centre stage at OHB’s facilities in Stockholm, Sweden, before the spacecraft is packed up and shipped to California, US, for a launch currently scheduled for June. Embracing the New Space approach to demonstrate new concepts in a cost-effective and timely manner, the Arctic Weather Satellite has been designed to show how it can improve weather forecasts in the Arctic.

Credits: ESA - P. Sebirot

Tags:   ESA European Space Agency Space Universe Cosmos Space Science Science Space Technology Tech Technology Arctic Weather Satellite In The Clean Room Engineering Stockholm Sweden Testing
