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N 50 B 50.4K C 24 E Aug 24, 2023 F Aug 24, 2023
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...how they oppress and endanger women...

...This is a POSED photo, intended to attract the interest and attention of people, to buy the magazine. Isn't it interesting, that a magazine seeking to END the "exploitation" of women, seeking to STOP women being viewed as sex objects by society as a whole, would design THIS photo and collectively CHOOSE to put it on it's front cover??

I think so. Human hypocrisy is everywhere...The creators want to SELL this magazine, they market it to women but of course are JUST as happy if men buy it...Money is still the primary decision-making force within their company, even as they seek "social change and enlightenment."

Of course there is a limit here...You do NOT see a short skirt or the face of our cover Sweetie...In this way the magazine can still claim it is not "exploiting" women, only trying to SHOW the oppressive effects of high heels...

Well, personally, this cover works GREAT as a buying enticement to me! If I were to be walking down the street, and I see a newsstand full of magazines and newspapers, and I spot THIS front cover staring back at me, you can be 100% SURE THIS is the ONE magazine I will buy, choosing it before everything else! 😍

The foot pain vibes are GREAT on this one, Sweetie trying to make her way home after a long day of work, wearing her Power Pumps, feet absolutely killing her with every step...and finally she reaches her Breaking Point and simply cannot help herself, cannot stop herself from easing her tormented foot from its Pump Prison...

Isn't it interesting how THIS magazine cover, to ME, constitutes XXX pornography, and yet it was created by a feminist magazine for the specific purpose of trying to STOP societal exploitation of women?? I think this shows the many LAYERS of human consciousness, and how complex social issues such as gender oppression really are...

Tags:   kousenvoetjes Goddess

N 46 B 11.3K C 5 E Dec 30, 2021 F Dec 30, 2021
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