An old shot of Ronja (Milly's mother) on the kitchen table, where we lived back in 1995. She had just checked the milk in one of the mugs...
Posted for the "Happy Caturday" group.
Scanned from analog picture.
Skovløberens Sita (aka Ronja), Norwegian Forest Cat, 08.1995.
Tags: cats kitchen table coffee mugs Ronja Skovløberens Sita Norwegian Forest Cat NFO scanned from analog animal pet cat indoor Happy Caturday
My brothers ginger cat - the father of Carl and great-grandfather of Rudolf.
Scanned from analogue photo.
Rødesen (domestic shorthair), 1989.
Videos at
Home page:
Tags: cats sunning garden summer Rødesen mixed breed domestic shorthair HCS Olympus OMD EM5 Denmark animal pet cat outdoor
Ronja (Milly's mother) reposted for the "Happy Caturday" theme "Archival photos". First posted 11.11.2013.
Also see her daughter Milly: here
Skovløberens Sita (aka Ronja - Milly's mother), Norwegian Forest Cat, November 1994.
Scanned from analogue picture
Tags: cats clock Ronja Skovløberens Sita Norwegian Forest Cat NFO Happy Caturday
Me and my elder sister with our cat Alexandrine and kitten Pjevs, 1957.
First posted 12.09.13. Reposted for the "Happy Caturday" theme "Memories", 23.02.2019.
Scanned from analogue photo.
Tags: cats children garden mixed breed domestic shorthair Alexandrine Pjevs Lene Hansen Finn Frode Hansen Kildebrønde Happy Caturday
My father was a market gardener and this foto was probably staged to display a great harvest of melons. He loved cats, so of course they should be in the picture too. :)
Frode Hansen, Kildebrønde - probably photographed by my mother Lily Hansen, summer of 1942.
Tags: cats market garden mellon wheelbarrow mixed breed domestic shorthair Frode Hansen Kildebrønde gartneri