178,509 items / 1,399,023 views
in sheer
my mind
i undress
shoot myself
raw naked
as a poet
they call me
self obsessed
but manic
to some extent
my soul in a blog
self possessed
aligned to
the symmetry
of a cosmic
my surroundings
its hypnotic bareness
in all fairness
under duress
the heart says no
the flesh says yes
i have moved
a million light years
from matt and his word press
back to my hijda eunuch blogs
safe at flickr the new address
nothing more nothing less
the life of a colored man
was never a bed of roses
a thought expressed
a hurt a pain
i get it off my chest
yes i have finally
flown the fucked
cuckoos nest
east is beast
west is best
buried alive
soul at rest
Tags: matt wordpress hijda eunuch blogs hurt poet of mumbai mind games poems by firoze shakir beggar poet of mumbai firoze shakir poetry
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