Well, having seen all those Project 365 type sets, I thought I'd try something myself. However, working from home means my photoset may be limited ("Here's the lounge. Here's the kitchen. Here's the cat. Here's the other cat" etc...), so I thought I'd stretch my (extremely) meagre artistic talents instead and try to create a doodle a day.
I've already managed to hamfistedly cock the project up to an extent by not starting until the 17th Jan (Doh!), but, well, it'll just have to do. Just pretend you've seen the first 16, eh?
Tags: Canon S2IS Doodle Doodle 365 365
Tags: Canon S2IS S2 IS Doodle #18 Doodle 365 365
Tags: Canon S2IS S2 IS Doodle 365 Doodle 365 Robot Droid #19
Tags: Canon S2IS S2 IS Doodle 365 Doodle 365 Box Poison Toxic Death #20
Tags: Canon S2IS S2 IS Doodle 365 Doodle 365 #21 Boot Truce Flag Arm