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User / FREEDOMSTREAMING / Atrus' home Kadish Tolesa
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Atrus is one of the most important central figures of post-D'ni cavern history, during the period known as the Era of Abandonment. Atrus was the grandson of Aitrus, one of the people whose actions inadvertantly lead to the Fall of D'ni. He was instrumental to reuniting the survivors of that event and provided them with a new home. Atrus was a prolific writer of Ages, and had somewhere around twenty in his known catalog, although many were destroyed under differing circumstances. Atrus loved to explore the Ages he wrote to see where they differed from the mental image he had when writing them. He was also a good architect, engineer, and mechanic, and invented and created a great many unique devices and buildings.
Atrus was born in the Cleft to Gehn and Keta in AD 2641, and was their first and only child. Keta died shortly afterward from complications in the delivery. Gehn had brought her to the Cleft because she had a difficult pregnancy, and Gehn hoped that his mother, Anna, could help with her knowledge of D'ni medicine. After Keta died, Gehn abandoned Atrus with Anna. She raised the young Atrus for fourteen years, until Gehn returned to collect him in AD 2655. Gehn took Atrus down to D'ni to aid him in his quest to learn the Art of Writing.
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  • Taken: Jan 8, 2021
  • Uploaded: Jan 10, 2021
  • Updated: Apr 23, 2023