Being a good catholic boy...(hahahahahahh).......I always had fish on friday!!.
My mother and father were once believers and upholders of tradition and so every friday we would eat the damn stuff.
I argued ,on traditional grounds,if that was the case it must mean Red Wine on thursdays.....but my parents were upholders only on what they believed my pleading fell on deaf ears.
Anyway..........this is Freddy the fish........well to be more accurate was Freddy the fish.........
He was a Dorada.......and a good catholic fish too..........but he met his end on my "Geroge Foreman Lean Mean No Fat Grilling Machine"....(or something like that!!!!!.)
Together with some garlic soaked in extra virgin olive oil and some slices of lemon he helped me remember what it was like to be a good catholic boy all those years ago.
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