Welcome to the first ever Ministract Exhibition, brought to you by sunny-drunk........................
On show from Friday 27 February at Ministract
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Sitting on the river bank.................I took another pull on the bottle.........
It warmed my heart to savour the wine in my belly and I knew that if I wasn't immortal(and the signs were not looking good) then at least this Red Liquid would play a part in my downfall.
Three Cheers for the Wine makers of Spain..............!!!!
I thought of music and those glorious tones that can sometimes emanate from the Tenor Saxophone....the stuff Coltrane used to play before the demands of life and art conspired to destroy his fragile vulnerable heart..............
John Coltrane is revered as a god on Planet Zog.
Some say his spirit still visits that place.
Flickr Premier............Ministract............. Feb/March 2009
It is believed he comes to Zog to play those haunting notes, many have heard those golden tones in the early promise of morning when the darkness lifts and the breath of life fills our lungs again.
Here's a link to the music........good idea Steve
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Education is kinda different on Planet Zog.........
In School for instance all Zogettes discover that Zog is flat...........
That it is far more efficient to allow terrorists to run their own airline.....
And that although 3+3 does Equal 5.........on Zog they are taught that it actually makes 6...................
But the biggest problem that Zogs face is a Geographical one.
In the heart of the Club Mediterranean C.......a vast expanse of water.....there are three distinct lands.
One is called Italy, here the people do nothing all day,wear designer cardigans and pick their noses at Traffic lights.
The second is called Sardinia..........this place is famous for sardines,sardines and more bloody sardines...........
And thirdly there is another land...............which only a few Zogs have ever been to............it is believed Photographers live there...........it is a strange place.
Now on Zog photographers are a delicacy.........and occasionally "hunting Parties" are organised to "Bag" a few snappers....the red ones are especially popular..........but this land has no name...............well actually it does I suppose,..it's called Somewhere Else.
Flickr Premier............Ministract............. Feb/March 2009
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On Zog the Planetary saying is.............."If you must tilt at a damn windmill make sure either it is a big one so that failure becomes a heroic virtue ............or better still sample the young red wines of Erravan...which is a province of the land of Niaps on the Planet of Zog.
By submerging in that fruity red liquid.........the size of the Windmill doesn't really matter and what you do with your Lance is nobody else's business.!!.".......or something like that.
Flickr Premier............Ministract............. Feb/March 2009
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If you have read any of the crap.......sorry stuff I write occasionally about Planet Zog..........you will already know that Zog in fact has several moons orbiting the planet.
These satellites are in fact Hard Boiled eggs, and if you follow this link a pic of an eclipse, witnessed by yours truly a few years ago, will appear like magic right in front of you.!!
Anyway where was I?........
Oh yes..........
It is a well known inter-galactic fact that these "Hard Boiled Eggs" were laid by a very strange creature indeed, who wanders the universe in search of Pan who not only is the God of shepherds and flocks, of mountain wilds, hunting and rustic music (that's what it says here!) but also of Frying as well.
Flickr Premier............Ministract............. Feb/March 2009
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