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Voigtlander 40mm f1.4 Nokton Sunderland

Tags:   Leica M6 Voigtlander 40mm f1.4 sunderland Voigtlander Nokton 40mm f1.4 MC BWFPOTW Karl Richards

N 1 B 959 C 0 E Sep 1, 2012 F Sep 1, 2012
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Francis Upritchard's work at the Nottingham Contemporary.

Canon (new) F1N with FD 50mm f1.4 SSC lens.
Kodak Tri-X 400 @ 400 in Ilford ID11 @ 1:1

Tags:   “Canon F1N” FD 50mm f1.4 SSC” “Kodak Tri-X 400” “Ilford ID11” “Nottingham Contemporary” “Francis Upritchard” “bwfp” Karl Richards

N 2 B 986 C 0 E Sep 5, 2012 F Sep 5, 2012
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Francis Upritchard's work at the Nottingham Contemporary.

Canon (new) F1N with FD 50mm f1.4 SSC lens.
Kodak Tri-X 400 @ 400 in Ilford ID11 @ 1:1

Tags:   “Canon F1N” FD 50mm f1.4 SSC” “Kodak Tri-X 400” “Ilford ID11” “bwfp” “Nottingham Contemporary” “Francis Upritchard” Karl Richards “KarlRichards portfolio”

N 10 B 1.9K C 0 E Nov 2, 2014 F Nov 2, 2014
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Olympus OM1 & Zuiko Auto-s 50mm f1.8
Rollei Retro 100 (Agfa APX) @ iso 100 . Adolux APH09 (Rodinal). Dilution 1:50, (5ml in 250ml), 19c, 12 minutes. Agitation - 4 inversions at the start and 2 inversions every 3 minutes. . Two water baths (stop). Alkaline fix for three minutes.

Tags:   Olympus Olympus OM1 Zuiko Zuiko 50mm Karl Richards bwfp Rollei Retro 100 Agfa APX Rodinal Adolux APH09

N 1 B 834 C 2 E Aug 31, 2012 F Aug 31, 2012
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Francis Upritchard's work at the Nottingham Contemporary.

Canon (new) F1N with FD 50mm f1.4 SSC lens.
Kodak Tri-X 400 @ 400 in Ilford ID11 @ 1:1

Tags:   “Canon F1N” FD 50mm f1.4 SSC” “Kodak Tri-X 400” “Ilford ID11” “Nottingham Contemporary” “Francis Upritchard” “bwfp” Karl Richards
