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User / G-A-P / Sets / Karlos SLV (view camera)
43 items

N 46 B 9.2K C 15 E Jun 10, 2015 F Jun 10, 2015
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Karlos No.55 6x9 fixed flat bed SLV & Topcor Horseman 105mm f3.5 in a Seiko-SLV shutter. Cloth bellows, with lift, swing and tilt on the front and on the back, rise (giving fall on the front). Reversing back with the baby graflok fit. Horseman 6x9 film back.

This camera was going to be No.57 but I have had a bit of an accident. I have lost a bit of a finger building two pincams and getting blood out of wood is not easy, so I have abandoned the two pincams I was working on. Thus No57 has become Karlos No.55 :-)

weight: 1.7kg

Tags:   Karlos 55 Karlos Karl Richards Sherwood cameras Hand made 6x9 120 SLV view camera topcor Horseman baby graflok Walnut Wooden camera tilt shift movements Large Format Medium Format

N 20 B 5.4K C 1 E Aug 27, 2015 F Aug 27, 2015
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Karlos No.55 6x9 fixed flat bed SLV & Topcor Horseman 105mm f3.5 in a Seiko-SLV shutter. Cloth bellows, with lift, swing and tilt on the front and on the back, rise (giving fall on the front). Reversing back with the baby graflok fit. Horseman 6x9 film back.

Fomapan 100 @ iso 100. Adolux APH09 (Rodinal). Dilution 1:100, (4ml in 400ml), 19c, 90 minutes. Agitation - 4 inversions 30 minutes. Two water baths (stop). Alkaline fix for three minutes.

Tags:   Karlos 55 Karlos Karl Richards Sherwood cameras Hand made 6x9 120 SLV view camera topcor Horseman baby graflok Walnut Wooden camera tilt shift movements Large Format Medium Format Fomapan 100 Rodinal Adolux APH09

N 13 B 3.6K C 7 E Sep 1, 2015 F Sep 1, 2015
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Karlos No.55 6x9 fixed flat bed SLV & Topcor Horseman 105mm f3.5 in a Seiko-SLV shutter. Cloth bellows, with lift, swing and tilt on the front and on the back, rise (giving fall on the front). Reversing back with the baby graflok fit. Horseman 6x9 film back.

Fomapan 100 @ iso 100. Adolux APH09 (Rodinal). Dilution 1:100, (4ml in 400ml), 19c, 90 minutes. Agitation - 4 inversions 30 minutes. Two water baths (stop). Alkaline fix for three minutes.

Tags:   Karlos 55 Karlos Karl Richards Sherwood cameras Hand made 6x9 120 SLV view camera topcor Horseman baby graflok Walnut Wooden camera tilt shift movements Large Format Medium Format Fomapan 100 Rodinal Adolux APH09

N 18 B 3.8K C 4 E Jul 13, 2015 F Jul 13, 2015
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Karlos No.55 6x9 fixed flat bed SLV & Topcor Horseman 105mm f3.5 in a Seiko-SLV shutter. Cloth bellows, with lift, swing and tilt on the front and on the back, rise (giving fall on the front). Reversing back with the baby graflok fit. Horseman 6x9 film back.

Shanghai GP3 @ iso 100. Adolux APH09 (Rodinal). Dilution 1:100, (4ml in 400ml), 19c, 90 minutes. Agitation - 4 inversions at the start and 2 inversions at 30 minutes. . Two water baths (stop). Alkaline fix for three minutes.

Tags:   Karlos 55 Karlos Karl Richards Sherwood cameras Hand made 6x9 120 SLV view camera topcor Horseman baby graflok Walnut Wooden camera tilt shift movements Large Format Medium Format Shanghai GP3 Rodinal Adolux APH09 semi-stand

N 20 B 3.7K C 3 E Jul 7, 2015 F Jul 7, 2015
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Karlos No.55 6x9 fixed flat bed SLV & Topcor Horseman 105mm f3.5 in a Seiko-SLV shutter. Cloth bellows, with lift, swing and tilt on the front and on the back, rise (giving fall on the front). Reversing back with the baby graflok fit. Horseman 6x9 film back.

Shanghai GP3 @ iso 100. Adolux APH09 (Rodinal). Dilution 1:100, (4ml in 400ml), 19c, 90 minutes. Agitation - 4 inversions at the start and 2 inversions at 30 minutes. . Two water baths (stop). Alkaline fix for three minutes.

Tags:   Karlos 55 Karlos Karl Richards Sherwood cameras Hand made 6x9 120 SLV view camera topcor Horseman baby graflok Shanghai GP3 Rodinal Adolux APH09 semi-stand
