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User / G-A-P / Sets / Karlos SLV (view camera)
43 items

N 10 B 2.2K C 4 E Jan 6, 2013 F Jan 6, 2013
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Exploring Xtol

Walnut 6x9 non folding flatbed view camera with Topcor 105mm f3.5 in a Seiko-SLV shutter and an Adapter-A-roll 620 film holder.
Ilford FP4 plus @ 125. Kodak Xtol @1:1 for 10 minutes.

Tags:   “Homemade” “self built” “flat bed” “6x9” “view camera” “Tilt” “Swing” “Shift” “Topcor 105mm f3.5” “Ilford FP4 Plus” “Xtol” “bwfp” “Peak district” “Karl Richards” “Adapter-A-roll 620” Karlos Karlos No.1 RVC “Karlos cameras” no2

N 9 B 3.1K C 3 E Jun 2, 2015 F Jun 2, 2015
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Karlos No.55 6x9 fixed flat bed SLV & Topcor Horseman 105mm f3.5 in a Seiko-SLV shutter and Horseman 6x9 film back.

Shanghai GP3 @ iso 100. Adolux APH09 (Rodinal). Dilution 1:100, (4ml in 400ml), 19c, 90 minutes. Agitation - 4 inversions at the start and 2 inversions at 30 minutes. . Two water baths (stop). Alkaline fix for three minutes.

Tags:   Karlos Karl Richards Sherwood cameras Hand made 6x9 120 SLV view camera topcor Horseman Karlos 57 Shanghai GP3 Rodinal Adolux APH09 semi-stand

N 10 B 2.3K C 3 E Sep 1, 2016 F Sep 1, 2016
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Tags:   Karlos Karlos cameras Karlos pinhole camera Karl Richards Hand made Pinhole camera Sherwood cameras wood camera pinhole Large Format 8x10 Karlos 86 viewcamera

N 5 B 1.9K C 2 E Jul 15, 2016 F Jul 15, 2016
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N 20 B 3.4K C 0 E Jul 2, 2017 F Jul 2, 2017
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Karlos 119. 6x7 SLV camera with 75mm lens

Tags:   Karlos Karlos cameras Karl Richards Hand made Sherwood cameras wood camera
