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User / Gabriel FW Koch / Sets / My Cats
Gabriel F.W. Koch / 207 items

N 170 B 10.6K C 30 E Oct 30, 2014 F Oct 30, 2014
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After a long hot summer, during which Scooter needed much assistance with shedding, he has grown in most of his new coat. Looks rather handsome, I think. I suspect he does too. The pose is the Scooter staring a a bird in the adjoining tree, even if there is none in the tree. That's my boy!

Tags:   Orange cat Canon Telephoto EOS Rebel t41 Scooter Ginger cat

N 88 B 3.9K C 32 E Oct 24, 2014 F Oct 24, 2014
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Poor Downflake. His favorite corner receives more sun now that the trees are shedding leaves. Seems he was caught off guard, and as you can see the heat made him weak and sleepy. Finally the sunset, and he needed nourishment. Now, he's sleeping inside. What else?

Tags:   Orange cat Cat Canon Telephoto Cat ginger Ginger cat

N 93 B 2.0K C 7 E Oct 31, 2014 F Oct 31, 2014
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Faint voice of warning, muffled by the volume of summer's green wealth, dampened nothing of joy.

N 116 B 3.4K C 24 E Oct 19, 2014 F Oct 19, 2014
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I'm certain he enjoys getting me to look up hoping I might finally see something he sees. But not this time. He stops what he's doing, freezes, and stares, at nothing. I'm glad he can't laugh!

Tags:   Orange cat Cat Canon Kitten Telephoto Ginger cat

N 87 B 4.6K C 27 E Oct 17, 2014 F Oct 17, 2014
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My boy had a run-in with something a couple days ago. Whatever it was, and no he refuses to even give me a hint, it laid him up and got me quite worried. So after nursing him back to health, I was quite relieved he went for our morning walk today. Good thing we run an online business.

Tags:   Orange cat Cat Canon Illness Telephoto Orange Red cat Ginger cat
