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User / Gamma-Raay / Symbiosis
239 items
In 2083 we solved our energy problem with trees genetically engineered to be more efficient than solar panels. We did not solve our war problem.


Built for the 2024 Bio-Cup: www.flickr.com/groups/14888306@N23/
My theme for Round 1 is Chemical Energy which Photosynthesis is a classic example of!

I'll have a video for this build out next week but in the meantime you can check out my previous bio-cup entry: youtu.be/mzQ_cFJ7FB4?si=xJkH8zuVm6otCaPp
  • Views: 5644
  • Comments: 7
  • Favorites: 178
  • Taken: Jun 20, 2024
  • Uploaded: Jun 20, 2024
  • Updated: Jun 29, 2024