At least that is what the mug says :-) Actually, he's perfect to me. The "theme" as it were for the 365 this week in "introductions" so I figured I would introduce you to my hubby or as my grandkids call him GP (short for grand pa). Our kids just call him Dad.
He was out on the deck as I was walking back home from getting some shots of the creek when I told him I was going to take his picture and he could not make a face or give me the usual flip the bird gesture. Rather, he pulled the coffee cup up and let me grab the shot.
I figured I would start my 365 project and the 100x project where I am going to shoot 100 x with my first DSLR and a vintage lens on a lens adapter here with a photo of my sweetie on New Years Day. The 365 will be with whatever camera I choose to capture the day with but the 100x is going to be my XTi with a vintage lens (I have several of them so I will put the lens in the tags and in the description here).
It is not a super great photo because of course it is taken with 10.1 megapixel camera - my original DSLR a Canon XTi with a Canon FD 135mm lens on a lens adapter. Edited in ON1 Photo Raw 2022.
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