They say the eyes are the window to the soul. Mine are blue grey. Well I am not sure about that but if you can read anything into this "selfie" it is that I am bundled up with my hood of my coat on my head even though it is a balmy -2 out there. I hate wearing a toque (hat) in the winter - always have and I hate the cold (yes I know, I live in Canada where it gets cold and snows).
Of course we have to don a mask when entering a public place and to be honest I don't mind that one little bit.
I almost always wore a mask at the military health clinic where I worked before retiring in March of 2021. Prior to March of 2020 I I would see a member of the CAF in my office in person to work out a reimbursement claim with them - it was after all a doctor's office (family health team as it were) and the members who were coming in were more than likely coming in for sick parade to see a Dr. or NP and I did not want to catch even a cold thanks very much.
Back in 2009 we were all fitted with N95 masks due to the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic so, wearing a mask at work for the time I was there did not bother me. I was so used to hand washing and hand sanitizer as well so that was nothing for me to adopt as standard daily hygiene - I used hand sanitizer all the time at work after meeting with a member. Opening doors that other people touched I just used the hand sanitizer so again it didn't bother me to adopt this practice we have been asked to do.
I appreciate all the visits to my little corner of Flickr here and I may not get to respond to your comments if you do stop by but rest assured, I read the comments that are left and I appreciate them. I try to pop on to see photos of fellow Flickr folks I follow here and try to make a comment or even "fave a photo" as well as on the groups I belong to and post a photo too but, there are so many exceptional photographers on here that I just can't visit and comment on all - there are not enough hours in the day for me to do that.
So there you have it - a bit more about me. Hope you have a super awesome day!
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