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User / Gavin Hardcastle - Fototripper / 'Hearing Voices' - The Fairy Glen - Isle of Skye
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Imagine the chills I felt as for the second time I heard voices in the Fairy Glen - Scottish voices.

This was my second visit to this mystical and enchanted Glen on the Isle of Skye in Scotland.

The day before I felt sure I could just hear a faint conversation but as I stood atop the hill to survey the surrounding area not a soul could be seen.

On the second day I'd completely forgotten about the mystery voices until once again they wafted my way.

I couldn't quite make out the words as they seemed to fade in and out, so I made a concerted effort to try strain my ears and listen harder.

Again, the voices gently lapped over the crenellated hillocks and as I prepared to be awed by the magical whisperings of otherworldly fairies I finally heard this clear pronouncement.

''Frr Focks sake man, get yer fokkun shayte together and pass me that fokkun stack!''

Magical, truly magical thought I.

To this day I'm convinced it was the fairies and nothing to do with the middle aged man and boy working on a gate repair about half a kilometer away from the Glen.

Gavin Hardcastle
  • Views: 86090
  • Comments: 166
  • Favorites: 3035
  • Taken: Feb 7, 2016
  • Uploaded: Feb 7, 2016
  • Updated: Apr 13, 2023