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User / Gavin Hardcastle - Fototripper / Battle of the Forest Dwellers
644 items
Watch the video where I show you how I created this image youtu.be/-Mb7qleaxhQ


I often talk about the importance of trying harder and not settling for the easy compositions.

This image is an example of how that extra bit of effort can pay off.

After about an hour of delightful composition hunting I finally committed to getting my feet wet. These mountain streams are so cold that it's wiser to step into the white stuff only towards the end of your visit when you're fairly certain of where the best shots live.

With such a wide scene, I simply couldn't fit all of this into my frame. I had to mentally visualize the end result of a stitched panorama and shoot enough frames to accurately portray what I was able to see with the naked eye.

Shooting a close panorama with a wide angle lens doesn't always work out but I think it turned out great.

I wanted to create an image that gave the viewer the experience of being there. So if you go and put your feel in a very cold bath you'll practically be able to hear that tumbling creek.

Thanks for looking
Gavin Hardcastle
  • Views: 110329
  • Comments: 83
  • Favorites: 1716
  • Taken: May 25, 2020
  • Uploaded: May 25, 2020
  • Updated: Jul 30, 2024