Took an older picture I'd already processed from HST and tried overlaying the x-rays. This supernova remnant has a reddish/cooler x-ray rim with a bluer/hotter interior. Interestingly, the part brightest in visible light, which some call the firefox, is the dimmest part of the x-ray emitting nebula, but also apparently the hottest.
A Hubble-only view that I did a while back is here:
The upper left and lower right and a few other smaller places are missing data. I've put some fake data in there to make it less distracting, but it should be just noticeable if one looks closely.
Hubble proposals used:
High Resolution Imaging of Bubble and Superbubbles in HII Regions
Supernova Remnants in a Cloudy Interstellar Medium
Chandra data:
Red: .10-.70 keV
Green: .70-1.0 keV
Blue: 1.00-5.50 keV
(A single exposure from 2000, Obs ID 777)
Hubble data:
Orange: F673N WFPC2/WF
Cyan: F656N WFPC2/WF
Blue: F502N WFPC2/WF
North is up.