Yes, you can use this image! The attribution line is:
NASA / ESA / CSA / Judy Schmidt
A very processed (maybe even over-processed) version of Jupiter from JWST. Here we're viewing the planet only in infrared, and the ring, usually invisible, is plain for all to see. The colors are definitely unusual.
There is
some discussion over what the red blip at the south pole and the disconnected layer of atmosphere on the eastern limb are. Real? Artifacts? We'll wait for the scientists to figure it out, but I'm leaning toward real. :)
Red (screen): NIRCam F322W2-F323N (this is not a subtraction function, both filters were used at the same time)
Blue: NIRCam F212N
Background is a grayscale combination of both filters. There were gaps in the data that had to be filled in using either filter to complete the other.