Well, it's been a while since I did a Prop15446 galaxy. This one was PI Julianne Dalcanton's favorite, so of course I had to. Featured are two interacting galaxies, one clearly full of star formation and dust with the other one smooth and not apparently doing much beyond participating in the interaction. The clumpy, dusty star-forming galaxy, perhaps once a spiral, now visibly being pulled into the smooth galaxy.
Establishing HST's Low Redshift Archive of Interacting Systems
All Channels: ACS/WFC F606W
North is 8.21° clockwise from up.
A scant dwarf galaxy imaged a few days ago by Hubble. There isn't a whole lot to see here beyond the central smudge and the rather impressive area of star formation along the lower edge of the composition. It is interesting that all of the older, dimmer stars seem to come together in a smooth central region, while brighter, younger, individually resolved stars lie in the outer regions, much like a larger spiral galaxy.
This image marks the first moment I am fully caught up on all of the observations in this proposal. I can now simply process them as they come along instead of madly trying to catch up only to fall behind as each new image comes down.
Establishing HST's Low Redshift Archive of Interacting Systems
All Channels: ACS/WFC F606W
North is 47.02° counter-clockwise from up.
Tags: HST Hubble Prop15446 15446 dwarf galaxy star formation
I'm sure there are two galaxies doing something here, I'm just not entirely sure what went on in the past billion or so years to get a big, fluffy line of stars, gas, and dust all stretched out like that.
A color view is available at the Legacy Survey Viewer:
(Beware the big green artifacts)
Establishing HST's Low Redshift Archive of Interacting Systems
All Channels: ACS/WFC F606W
North is 8.88° counter-clockwise from up.
Tags: Hubble HST Prop15446 15446 Arp 204 tidal tail galaxies interacting fluffy stretched long star formation
Tidal interaction between two galaxies. There seems to be a mini overlapper in the lower right corner. A nice, widefield color view is available at the Legacy Surveys Viewer: legacysurvey.org/viewer?ra=20.8636&dec=30.7820&zo...
Establishing HST's Low Redshift Archive of Interacting Systems
All Channels: ACS/WFC F606W
North is 21.04° counter-clockwise from up.
Tags: spiral galaxy interaction disk HST Hubble Prop15446 15446 dust star formation tidal tail
Another dwarf irregular galaxy which I put off processing due to lack of interest. This one has a more pronounced spiral-like structure, although I would still hesitate to call it a spiral. The large star-forming nebulas are nice.
Establishing HST's Low Redshift Archive of Interacting Systems
All Channels: ACS/WFC F606W
North is 30.17° clockwise from up.
Tags: Prop15446 galaxy dwarf Hubble HST 15446 star formation