To get the full resolution, ensure you download from the link here.
Specially designed to look great on a 4k dual monitor setup. The brightness has been lessened to make it less obtrusive to a desktop setting with overlaid icons or nearby windows. Artistic license was taken beyond my usual Hubble processing to give it a more saturated appearance, and to give a greater color distinction between the yellow nucleus and blue arms.
I fudged the upload date & taken on date so this wouldn't show up as "new" in the gallery.
The original, non-wallpaper version of the galaxy, along with extra meta data and information is here:
This one is a little lower resolution than the IC 342 Hidden Galaxy wallpaper, so the stars are a little big larger, but it's still pretty good. I opted for a cool color palette that tends to be a little easier on the eyes, and is a more common color scheme. The composition is also a little less optimal, being a little heavier on the right than I'd like, but I tested it out, and it's still quite pleasing. Only had to fill in a small triangle in the upper right with some cloned data to make up for a missing chunk.
I've once again fudged the upload/"taken on" date to keep this off the front page of my gallery since it's not new, and is more of a utility thing.
The original composition for this wallpaper can be viewed here, along with further info about what it is, and how it was made:
My own processing of the recent Hubble anniversary image of NGC2020. FITS mosaic was assembled by the OPO team at STScI. Tried to keep the brightness and saturation to a moderate level to keep it easy on the eyes.
To learn more about this nebula, check out the news release article here:
As usual, the upload/taken date is set a year back to keep the wallpaper off the front page of my gallery.
Pushing this mosaic to the limits for the wallpaper version. The two filters used to create this near-infrared view were barely separated in wavelength, so the colors are hard to get out of them, and what color does get squeezed out looks a little strange, but I kinda like it.
The original mosaic can be found here: