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User / van.sutherland / Tags / 1116
Van Sutherland / 7 items

N 0 B 237 C 4 E Jun 21, 2009 F Jun 21, 2009
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Patrick (right) is a former champion roper, and teller of tall tales. His family has been in Texas since before it was Texas. Gerald is a 'transplanted native' Texan, originally from Detroit. Gerald had a part in the 1997 mini-series 'Rough Riders'. Pam serves up cold beverages for weary travelers and curious photographers. We met up with Gerald, Pam, and Patrick in the very small town of Albert (population 4) on a Sunday afternoon, and had a great time shooting the breeze.

Single RAW file bracketed to three 16 bit TIFFs (-3/0/+1 EV), then tonemapped in Photomatix Pro using Details Enhancer. Additional processing in Photoshop.

Tags:   canon eos 50D tokina 11-16 hdr photomatix june 2009 albert texas cowboy rough riders rodeo

N 2 B 526 C 7 E Jun 21, 2009 F Jun 21, 2009
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Patrick (right) is a former champion roper, and teller of tall tales. His family has been in Texas since before it was Texas. Gerald is a 'transplanted native' Texan, originally from Detroit. Gerald had a part in the 1997 mini-series 'Rough Riders'. We met up with Gerald and Patrick in the very small town of Albert (population 4) on a Sunday afternoon, and had a great time shooting the breeze.

Single RAW file bracketed to three 16 bit TIFFs (-3/0/+1 EV), then tonemapped in Photomatix Pro using Details Enhancer. Additional processing in Photoshop.

View with Black Magic!

Tags:   canon eos 50D tokina 11-16 hdr photomatix june 2009 albert texas cowboy

N 0 B 173 C 1 E May 14, 2009 F May 14, 2009
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Taken while doing field work at several of the MetroRail stations. I believe the pattern is supposed to represent a tree canopy.

Tags:   canon eos 50d tokina 11-16 austin texas metrorail may 2009

N 0 B 188 C 0 E May 14, 2009 F May 14, 2009
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Taken while doing some field work at several MetroRail stations.

Tags:   canon eos 50d tokina 11-16 austin texas metrorail may 2009

N 2 B 737 C 9 E May 14, 2009 F May 14, 2009
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Taken while doing field work at several of the MetroRail stations.

Tags:   canon eos 50d tokina 11-16 austin texas metrorail
