I don’t know if it’s a good thing or a bad thing but it occurs to me that, today, you could find a decent picture of the moon and one of a crow silhouette, and stitch them together in less time than it took me grab my camera, walk back to the spot I noticed the picture and take this. But of this I am certain; you will never have as much fun sitting in front of a computer stitching together pictures as I did in making this one.
For those new to my photostream here on Flickr; No retouching and no post-processing unless I tell you so. This is straight from the camera, downloaded to iPhoto and emailed to Flickr (with a very large crop). That’s how I do it everyday. I don’t even shoot in RAW. I shoot JPEGs. It’s not better or worse. It’s just the way I am. Because -- for me -- I love being an amateur. You can’t pay me to have this much fun.
Nikon D7000 -- Nikon 80-200mm F2.8 ED
(Oh Lord, won’t you buy me, that 200-400 F4?)
(DSC_3789 - 2) L#28
©Don Brown 2015
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