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User / Gerry Lynch/林奇格里 / Tags / джерси
Gerry Lynch/林奇格里 / 49 items

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Offering spectacular views of the other Channel Islands and the Cotentin Peninsula, Grosnez Castle is a ruined 14th-century castle at the north-west corner tip of Jersey.

Sir John des Roches ordered the castle built around 1330, about the time of the start of the Hundred Years' War. The castle's purpose was to provide local farmers with a place of refuge from French attacks. Philippe de Carteret held it against the French when they held half of Jersey between 1461 and 1467, but it has been a ruin since the mid-16th century. The castle was probably last used militarily during the time of the French occupation of eastern Jersey in 1461–1468, when this and the rest of the west of the island remained in loyalist hands.

In 1806, a naval signal station was established at Grosnez to send messages to Guernsey. The lights in the distance here are in Guernsey’s capital, St Peter Port, 30 km away.

This description incorporates text from the English Wikipedia.

Tags:   bailiwick castle channel islands island jersey ruin джерси замок нормандские острова остров остров джерси руины 城堡 岛 废墟 泽西 海峡群岛

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A twilight stroll through Jersey's dinky little capital, St Helier. The car headlights catching a brightly coloured pair of merchant banker's trousers. The Liberation Square development is behind.

Tags:   Outdoor Summer bailiwick channel islands europe headlights island jersey people sky sunset twilight walking zebra crossing джерси закат зебра лето люди небо нормандские острова остров остров джерси пешеходный переход прогулка сумерки фары 人 夏天 天空 岛 斑马线 日落 暮色 欧洲 泽西 海峡群岛 行走 车灯

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Trinity Church in Jersey, the parish of which covers the rural central north of the island, has existed on this site since at least the year 1090 and the chancel dates from around then. I cannot find a date for the construction of the present nave, although the transepts and tower are said to have been added in the 15th Century. Eventually, the south transept was transformed into a porch, and the north transept into a Lady Chapel.

As with other Jersey churches, there was substantial iconoclasm and desecration by Puritans as the Channel Islands became strongly Calvinistic in the immediate aftermath of the Reformation – perhaps that explains why the tower was struck by lightning three times between 1629 and 1648! Some degree of decoration began to return to Trinity in the late 19th Century. In the early 20th Century, the spire was encased in concrete giving it the white appearance.

Tags:   Outdoor Summer anglican architecture bailiwick channel islands christian christianity church church of england churchyard europe graveyard island jersey medieval medieval architecture spire англиканский архитектура джерси кладбище лето нормандские острова остров остров джерси погост средневековая архитектура средневековый церковь церковь англии шпиль 中世纪 中世纪建筑 圣公宗 基督教 墓地 夏天 尖顶 岛 建筑 教堂 欧洲 泽西 海峡群岛 英国教会

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Trinity Church in Jersey, the parish of which covers the rural central north of the island, has existed on this site since at least the year 1090 and the chancel dates from around then. I cannot find a date for the construction of the present nave, although the transepts and tower are said to have been added in the 15th Century. Eventually, the south transept was transformed into a porch, and the north transept into a Lady Chapel.

As with other Jersey churches, there was substantial iconoclasm and desecration by Puritans as the Channel Islands became strongly Calvinistic in the immediate aftermath of the Reformation – perhaps that explains why the tower was struck by lightning three times between 1629 and 1648! Some degree of decoration began to return to Trinity in the late 19th Century.

Tags:   altar anglican architecture bailiwick baptismal font chancel channel islands christian christianity church church of england europe font island jersey medieval medieval architecture nave pulpit алтарь англиканский архитектура джерси кафедра купель неф нормандские острова остров остров джерси средневековая архитектура средневековый церковь церковь англии 中世纪 中世纪建筑 中殿 圣公宗 圣坛 基督教 岛 建筑 教堂 欧洲 泽西 海峡群岛 祭坛 英国教会 讲坛 领洗池

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The last photo I took in Jersey on my way to the ferry back to England. Plémont Beach on the western north coast of the island is lovely, although low cloud on the horizon didn't quite give me the magical sunset I was hoping for.

Tags:   Outdoor Summer bailiwick bay beach channel islands cliffs cloud clouds europe evening island jersey rocks sea sky sunset вечер джерси закат залив камни лето море нормандские острова облако остров остров джерси пляж скалы 云 傍晚 夏天 天空 岛 岩石 悬崖 日落 欧洲 泽西 海 海峡群岛 海滩 湾
