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User / Glen Bledsoe / Sets / Australia
10 items

N 1 B 2.1K C 8 E Mar 5, 2011 F Mar 5, 2011
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This is one of Rachel's (Optique Photo) shots, which was good enough SOOC to simply post, but I felt obligated to perform some minimal processing. I applied Topas Adjust and Viveza 2. Otherwise this beauty belongs to my Australian friend.

Tags:   flower Australia

N 3 B 4.4K C 12 E Feb 8, 2011 F Feb 8, 2011
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A joint Southern/Northern Hemisphere project. Those are not deer, friends.

The raw files were graciously sent to me to process by Rachel (Optique Photo) and in return I inflicted my meager raw images for post-processing. She is patient.

Software: Photoshop CS5, Photomatix, Nik Viveza, Topaz Detail, Topaz DeNoise 5, Topaz ReMask

You're going to want to look at this (type L) large.

Tags:   Australia kangaroos southern hemisphere.

N 21 B 9.9K C 21 E Feb 9, 2011 F Feb 9, 2011
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Another joint Southern/Northern Hemispheres project.

The raw files for this 3x exposure HDR photo were graciously sent to me to process by Rachel (Optique Photo).

Software: Photoshop CS5, Photomatix, Nik Viveza, Topaz Adjust, Topaz Detail, Topaz DeNoise 5, Topaz ReMask

You're going to want to look at this (type L) large.

Tags:   Australia golf kangaroo

N 3 B 1.1K C 9 E Feb 10, 2011 F Feb 10, 2011
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My colleague from the southern hemisphere--Rachel (aka Optique Photo).

This is her shot, but my post-processing.

Software: Photoshop CS5, Photomatix, Topaz Adjust, Topaz Detail, Topaz DeNoise 5, Topaz ReMask.

Tags:   Australia self-portrait

N 2 B 3.6K C 11 E Feb 11, 2011 F Feb 11, 2011
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The latest installment of the northern/southern hemispheric collaboration with my friend Rachel aka Optique Photo.

We'll have to wait for Rachel to describe where this photo was taken and what the Tower of Power near the center is, but I suspect that it's meant for contacting alien life forms on Jupiter, but that's beside the point. What I'd like to point out is how this wonderfully explains the physics of the difference between the northern and southern hemispheres. In the northern hemisphere (where you all naturally live) the horizon curves gently down, but in the southern hemisphere (especially the farther south you go) the horizon is convex and turns upwards as is demonstrated in this photograph.

You can test this theory yourself by filling up your bath tub, pulling the plug and watching the direction that the water goes down the drain. If it's clockwise, then you're north of the equator. If it's counter-clockwise you're south of the equator--or at least south of Texas. If the water doesn't drain at all that means you're right on the equator or else it means the drain is plugged.

You can look this stuff up because it is true. Any more questions I can explain to you?

Tags:   Australia Tower of Power
