Taken with a macro lens at the Columbia Gorge Fiber Festival for 2011.
Software: Photoshop CS5, Photomatix, Nik Viveza, Topaz Adjust, Topaz Detail, Topaz DeNoise 5
Tags: yarn textiles fiber arts
An HDR panorama of the Three Fates Yarn booth at the 2011 Columbia Gorge Fiber Festival. Like all panoramas this suffers from the inability to view is at a large enough scale to appreciate the detail.
Software: Photoshop CS5, Photomatix, Nik Viveza, Topaz Adjust, Topaz Detail, Topaz DeNoise 5.
Tags: booth fiber show Hood River Oregon Columbia Gorge
From the Columbia Gorge Fiber Arts Festival
Tags: Columbia Gorge fiber arts yarn bucket
Shot in the Three Fates Yarn Booth at the Columbia Gorge Fiber Festival 2011.
Software: Photoshop CS5, Photomatix, Nik Viveza, Topaz Adjust, Topaz Detail, Topaz DeNoise 5.
Tags: Columbia Gorge Fiber Festival fiber arts wool spinning Three Fates Yarn
Shot in the Three Fates Yarn Booth at the Columbia Gorge Fiber Festival 2011.
Software: Photoshop CS5, Photomatix, Nik Viveza, Topaz Adjust, Topaz Detail, Topaz DeNoise 5.
Tags: fiber arts wool yarn spinning